Thursday, February 21, 2008

Weight Loss Tips...? -

Hey! I m 14 am 5ft5in and weight about 138. I carry my weight well but still have some flub I d really like to get rid of. I ve already lost 50 lbs. so I know what to do and I d like to loss 20 more. I was just wondering if anybody had any weight loss tips and fun ways to exercise. Thanks a bunch!

The best way to lose weight is to firstly take care of your metabolism in make sure you are eating breakfast, lunch and a smaller dinner, and never to snack after dinner, this is the most important part. Make sure you are getting at least 1 hour of exercise a day, like walking or jogging. Personally walking is better as it is less strenuous on the joints. In the beginning if you are not used to walking for an hour, start of slower and less distance and as you feel comfortable, progressively make the walk longer ect.Make sure you are not eating mcdonalds or other fast foods more than once every week, and eat lots of vegetables and drink lots of tea!Stick to the above and you will notice a change! Goodluck