Friday, March 21, 2008

How to lose weight and be healthy and skinny/thinner? -

I weigh 108 pounds and am 5 , maybe 5 1 . i would really like to lose some weight though. i have a month maybe. i would like to do it before school starts. are some eating tips or excersises or something i could do to lose about...maybe 10-12 pounds?thanks so much!also, i would like not to have links to websites, but just you write what i could do. thank you!

You seem to be the perfect weight. Why loose more? Do some tightening exercises: Push-ups, sit-ups, and squats if you feel flabby. Also it never hurts to cut out the sweets and to stop eating after like 8pm. That always works for me when I feel the extra pounds creep up. Usually within a couple of weeks I can feel the few pounds I added on go down. Don t loose too much though or your body won t have the nutrition you need. Make sure to have 3-4 servings of fruit and 6-8 servings of veges a day. Cut out chips and fries too. Oh and watch out for Soda pop. It is loaded with calories. Drink lots of water and get some physical activity. All of that will help your skin too and make you glow. Also your mood will be lifted if you exercise. Good luck.

you really dont need to lose weight, but you may need to tone up.. try doing some cardio for 30 min a day and weight training for another 30.. you may not lose weight. you might even gain some weight but you will replace your fat cells with muscle cells which weigh more.. but you will look thinner and more toned.weight doesnt always have to do with how thin you are.. but yeah if you say you need to lose weight you prob just need to tone up, which you could definatly do with some exercise and eating a little healthier in a monthhavee fun.

honestly i dont think you re overweight but if you want to lose a little weight-dont starve yourself because when you re not that heavy not eating makes you bloated before skinny-run around your neighborhood at least once every other day-try to cut out soda and juice with water-sleep!!! not enough sleep makes you gain weight, plus it makes you more hungry because you have less energy

Um I am a little taller than you and I weigh 113 pounds with 3 kids and all my friends and family keep telling me that I am too thin. So it sounds to me like you are too. I hope that you change your mind about loosing weight cause you are small enough and chances are that you will end up sick if you loose too much weight.

Eat healthy, don t skip meals, don t eat just before you go to bed allow at least an hour.Exercise regularly, 3 hours a week maybe but make sure you break it up evenly. Don t work out for 2 hours one day and then hardly anything the next day.Keep positive. Don t let the worries get the better of you. Don t push yourself too hard because that can cause injuries and other problems.

I think the best thing is just to do sports or workout... or go jogging with friends or something! =) Its definitely a great way to stay in shape and have fun at the same time!

Join cross country, it usually starts on august first or something before school. Go on ur schools website and email the coach, running will definitely do that for u gurl, and u don t have to be that good at it to join! Get a friend to run with u :)

all i can say to help big time is CARDIO CARDIO CARDIOall that is pointless if u eat badeat healthy and in same portionsgood luckPLEASE HELP��

you want mi advice? take a frikin bmi test... your already underweight by the sounds of it seriously�� check this website out.

OMG, are you SERIOUS! You are on the thin side in the FIRST place, and now you want to go and lose weight. WOW. Go eat a donut....

eat veggies i guess... im 5 feet 2 inches and i weigh 95 pounds. and i think im fat :( i just jog and eat less sugar

ur not fat and just go for a jog each day that is the best way to burn calories and fat and this may sound dumb but if u hav wii fit try playing that lol

hey anarexic u need to start eating 108 for anyone is not good

you make me want to jump off a cliff.

just put your fingers down your throat after every meal. works for me