Sunday, March 23, 2008

How to lose weight within a month? -

So,I am currently 45.1 kilos and want to lose about 5 kilos before May.I exercise twice a week,I have a balanced diet and eat salads only whenever I can,bathe daily.But is there any other ways of losing weight? Pleease post positive answers pls not silly comments. Thanks!

Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.Make a few additional small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one. In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate - in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies. Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day. Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body. Vary your routines. Don t eat the same number of calories every day (vary your calories from 1400 a day to 1900 or 2000 some days), eat a variety of foods, and do different kinds and amounts of exercise. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you mix things up from time to time so that your body doesn t adjust to any one routine.An area that many people overlook is getting enough sleep. You are much more likely to overeat or to binge eat if you are tired and not well rested, so get enough sleep.Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc. Here are a few helpful links.��������

Eat Negative Calorie Foods . Negative Calorie Foods are those kinds of food that uses up more energy than the calories they provide so, the net effect is negative(less than zero) calories added to the body. So, you can eat more and still lose weight.Examples of these kinds of food are: asparagus, beet, broccoli, green cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chili pepper, cucumber, dandelion, endive, garlic, green beans, zucchini, onion, radishes; and for fruits: apple, cranberries, grapefruit, lemon, mango, orange, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, tangerine, papaya.These foods are also called fat-burners. They metabolize the calories from even the other foods you eat. More info from source:

For someone looking to lose weight, the choices can seem overwhelming. There are over-the-counter products that promise quick weight loss, such as liquid diets and appetite-suppressing pills. Fasting is an extreme option, and doctor-prescribed diet pills are also available. In Lose Weight the Safe Way, these and other weight-loss methods are examined, and guidelines for success are given. The program points out that the best plans include a nutritionally sound diet with fewer calories than usual, sufficient exercise, and lifestyle changes that may require support from friends and family.

Exercising helped me to lose lots of weight when I joined it along with taking acai berry. I know they say that pills won t work, however they definitely worked for me, and they have been featured on CNN too. There is a free trial happening at the moment at , try it, what s the worst that could happen?

please every one be very wary of these free trials of diet pills as i have just been conned i signed up for a free trial i just had to pay $4.95 for postage after i paid it i have been billed $29.95 and they have signed me up for a monthly subscripction for $59.00 i have been all day trying to stop this just phoned numbersd in cyprus and no one answering no email address to cancel my bank is trying to help but i did tick the box i have never done anything like this before but it sounded good but too good so be warned please and i did get the web site from someone on here in yahoo but after i look up their profile they only just joined

wow thats really light.... u must be tiny already!anyways if u really want to be stick thin (which i dont think is that attractive at all)remember everyone loses weight by eating less and exersizing more... try walking the dog more often like daily... you will get more exersize and the dog will love u more for itthe ammount of times u bathe doesnt matter but im glad u keep clean x

healthy weight range is so much more attractive than skinny.... you need to eat a few hamburgers....for uneducated americans 45kg is about 95pounds1kg = 2.2pounds

Hello, well like some people said run a mile a day. It will help build up muscle. Also don t eat as much sugars. Some salads have sugars in them so be careful. You should try drinking water from now on too! Hope this helped ;]

Try the Lil Jack exercise video�� it really works

run a mile or two a day


stop eating

If you are serious about losing weight, have a look at the list of sites. luck :)