Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How to lose weight safely and surely? -

Im only 14 yrs old but i weigh 176lbs?Will i lose my manly boobs if i lost weight?

Its simple: expend more energy than you consume, and the fat disappears.1. Make your body move, aerobically, and do some resistance training2. Eat less, cut out the crap, the sugar, the soda, the white bread/rice, eat whole grains instead, fruits and nuts for snacks not crap from the snacks or candy aisle , stock up on baby carrots and celery, so that if you MUST stick something in your mouth, put those in.Think of it this way, when you walk into a super market, all that food that s on the outside of the aisles, the vegetables, the fruits, the lean meats, the fish, the dairy (some) greek yogurt is best, etc. That s the food you should eat. The food in the aisles, the boxed and bagged stuff, filled with salt, preservatives, and sugar? That s the food you don t eat when you want to lose weight. Its really that simple. Stay out of the aisles (except the whole grain/whole wheat breads and the frozen fruit, blue/black, berries, cherries, that s stuffs ok too)At 14, 176 pounds you should be able to lose 20 pounds in a short period of time (like a month or so) and you won t be doing anything but eating healthy food, no magic potions or magic foods that have never worked (there have been 1000s of them peddled at desperate people for decades). Its all nonsense. They are all passing fads that the people selling them laugh all the way to the bank while yo-yo dieters keep getting suckered into the next magic way to lose weight that comes back in no time because people don t change their eating, living, and exercise HABITSAmateras: I don t have to tell you. You are doing the best thing you can possibly do to improve your quality of life, improve how you feel physically and emotionally, avoid medical problems associated with obesity and diabetes, etc. and its going to pay off in spades for the rest of your life.Perfect. That s how its done.

The only safe, sure way to lose weight is diet and exercise! Try to walk 30 minutes daily, gradually building up to more time and distance. More importantly, a healthy diet must be in the works. Breakfast is a must, so are lunch and dinner, but it is vital to track the calories, fat, and fiber to make sure you re making good choices. There are websites you can find your Basal metabolic rate, and a suggestion of how many kcals to eat per day. You must eat 500 kcal less than that suggestion to lose a pound per week, and 1000 kcal less to lose two. It is only healthy to lose 1-2 pounds weekly, so try to develop healthier eating patterns and keep a log of what you eat, and if you overeat, why. Avoid restaurants, which have huge, non-nutritional portions!! There are many sites online that can educate you about healthy foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I like yogurt, whole grain toast OR oatmeal, and fruit for breakfast. Lunch could be a broiled chicken salad with nonfat dressing, and a light soup, and dinner a salad, soup, whole grain pasta dish, or sandwich with whole grain bread. As you lose weight, and work out, you will see more definition and lose fat. There is no way to be certain your pec muscles will tone up, but they should!

Hi !I lost 105 pounds in 1 year....and still counting.I started out by eating a high fiber breakfast, now I eat 2 eggs and 1 toast with coffee, or Mal-O-Meal with coffee.Drink 3 liters of water every day and eat big salads; I mean really big, filled with any lettuce you like or cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, tofu, chicken breast, tuna ETC. I had a treadmill and the dvd KickBox BootCamp. I would walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes and do 30 minutes of the dvd M-F. Now I jog 3 days of the week and use Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred.I used to eat candy on the weekends, but now I count my calories so that I eat less than 1,200 calories everyday...and that includes a cookie or Kit Kat Bar.

Check out this website it provide solution to your answer! Email the wellness coach and he willl gladly to guide u along the way! The service is free and he will designed a personalized weight management program specially for you!��

by eating less sh it u people call food and moving that fat a s s of yours. what did u think?