Friday, July 18, 2008

How to lose weight when your still a teen ager? -

I just figured out im 160 and well 5,4 those two just don t wondering how the heck can I lose weight. I mean like what type of excerice and that I know excerice but like what type and that .

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!Add light jogging to it, and you will be it! Unfortunately, exercising only won t let you lose any weight. Pick up a couple of friends, and go jogging or power walking.

In order to lose weight, you will want to do cardio at least 3-4 times a week. This means going for a walk/jog/run and getting your heart rate up. Take it slow! Progress will come in time if you aren t used to running to get your heart rate up.Strength training is also a good technique to use such as crunches, push ups, or my favorite: yoga. Muscle burns fat, so by building up muscle, your metabolism will increase as well. As for eating, try to eat smaller amounts and at more intervals during the day. Always, always eat breakfast. Then eat a light snack about 3 hours later, then lunch, then another snack, then dinner. Eat something healthy and small every 3 hours. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. This will not help your health! If you are eating sensibly and are active 3-4 times a week, you should start seeing results.If you are interested, check out and sign up for a free online program to help you keep track of your diet and exercise. The best site I ve found is Here, you can keep track of your calorie intake, calories burned, learn new exercises that are tailored to your weight loss goals, and have access to healthy recipes. You can post messages on their message boards to people with the same goals and get the support you need to lose the weight in a healthy way.Good luck!

hey i m 12 and i weigh like 150. I lost weight by running on my tredmill and just eating small portions. But never eat school lunch it s NASTY (but if your a person that needs to eat lunch try special k bars).