Friday, August 22, 2008

How to lose weight in a certain area? -

How can I lose the fat below my stomach just above the bikini line. Please do not tell me to do sit ups thats a given. I have a exercise ball, could you send me a link or something? NOTE: Fat just below the abs Thx in advance for the help

Best Lower Abs Exercise : The Reverse CrunchLie on your back on the floor with your hands behind your head or on the floor by your hips, with your knees bent and your feet lifted six inches above the ground. slowly bring your knees toward your chest and lift your butt of the ground. Concentrate on contracting your abs, you should feel your lower abs working after a few repetitions. Use your abs do not swing your legs to create momentum. slowly lower your legs to the starting position, six inches of the floor. Repeat 15-30 times. Breathe out on the way up, in on the way down. Rest a few minutes and do another set. Try to do 3-4 sets. If you are a beginner or if this is hard for you do 10 repetitions for one set and gradually work your way to the recommended amount of repetitions.

it s physiologically impossible to spot reduce fat through diet or exercise. all you can do is to reduce the body fat % low enough until you see the desired results in your problem area(s). to lose body fat you need to follow a low calorie diet, eat plenty of protein and consume low GI carbohydrates. abdominal training has no effect at all on fat stores in the midsection.

A specific exercise will do. Bowflex is another option, but an expensive one. Usually stuff like running or sports will condition everything, but you have to really sweat it out.

stay away from foods with white flour, especially white flour mixed with sugar like pop tarts, pastries, white bread, cake, biscuits, etc. thats where u get that fat from