Saturday, September 20, 2008

How to lose weight when your a kid? -

How do I lose weight? I am 12 years old and I weigh 97 pounds. I eat a lot of junk food but exercise a lot. If someone could give me some tips on how to stay healthy while eating delicious foods.

Check these 10 smart ways of eating to lose weightGradually fits these strategies into your life, and expect small daily progress- which will lead to impressive results over time. 1.Never eat straight out of a container. Putting food onto a plate forces you to acknowledge the size of your portions. 2.For one week, measure out single portions of everything you eat on a scale. You will train your eye to recognize proper serving sizes. 3.Avoid alcohol whenever possible. Research shows drinking it before or during a meal can increase calorie consumption by 40 percent because it reduces your impulse control.4.At a buffer, survey the entire table first, and then take reasonable portions of the two or three foods that you must try. Fill the rest of your plate with fruits and veggies, and then make a beeline for the tables that��s farthest from the food. 5.Choose bold cheese varieties, such a blue cheese and parmesan that offer a wallop of flavor in small quantities. You will get more taste, fewer calories. 6.Eat slowly and savor your meals by getting rid of distractions �C television, cell phone �C that lead to mindless overeating. 7.In the supermarket, spring for treats packaged in single-serving bags. They cost a little more, but the built-in impulse control makes them worth it.8.Surround yourself with bottled water �C in your car, next to your computer, in your packet-book. Staying hydrated staves off false hunger pangs. 9.Take eggs into your daily meals. There��s a lot of nutrition within that shell. Research shows that people who ate eggs at breakfast lost twice as much weight, stayed full longer and had more energy throughout the day compared to those who had bagels for breakfast. 10.Replace your desserts with yogurt. Calcium is King when it comes to staving off hunger and helping you lose weight effectively; that prevent your body from storing fat.

Staying active is a great first step. The next step - the bad news - is to clean up your diet and eat less. You have to decide how important this is to you. If you can t stay away from junk, then try to eat less of it.People gain and lose weight based on a simple idea: getting fewer calories than you need forces your body to burn fat. Getting more calories than you need will allow your body to store some of the extra as fat.So, it s easy: eat less! Junk food is delicious, and can be very hard to give up. Focus on cutting back at first. Every little improvement to your lifestyle will cause a little bit of improvement to your body. At first, when you cut back, you ll want the junk food really badly, but as time goes on, you ll see your progress and it will make it easier to change your priorities.You can do this! I believe in you! Taking responsibility for your appearance and your lifestyle is the first step, and the hardest. You can look however you want if you re willing to put the work in, but nothing comes for free. Stay focused, and good luck!

you cannot eat a lot of junk and stay healthy. you can, however, eat some junk food every once in awhile and stay healthy. i recommend you eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits and drink lots of water. avoid carbonated drinks (soft drinks/pop) and ditch the junk food for awhile and you should see lots of difference.

You shouldnt really try to at that age, your genetic factor shows that your current weight is needed so that you can grow properly.I am 14, and really I have just been gaining weight but am getting slimmer, until you are done growing dont focus on losing weight but on exercising other parts of your body, like I am close to 6 pack abs at my age.

Try enjoying natures candy - fruit. Eat all the fruit you want. Delicious nectarines, grapes, plums from your local supermarket are sooo good. Tell mom or dad to pick some fruits out next time they shop. And keep up the exercise; if you want more results - sweat more and drink more water!! Cut out the capri suns, and cool-aid and you ll weigh less in a few weeks.

keep being active and try eating chicken in salads. use a vingerette. taste good and its healty. try to eat white meat, except pork. fish and chicken

you can still eat good food but dont eat as much and eat more protien it should ballence it out

There are many delicous foods that aren t junk.. when I was about your age I lost 7 pounds by riding a bike for fun.. and it came off really easily.