Monday, September 22, 2008

Weight loss tips? -

okay so I really need to lose about 5-10 pounds by the end of the summer. I want to do it in a really healthy way (no pills or starvation) but I could use some help :)right now I m getting at least and hour of excersize a day (ussualy more) doing elipticles at the gym, speed walking, doing sit ups, squats and push ups. I eat 3 meals (no sweets, sodas, or junk food), 8 glasses of water and lots of fruits and veggies. I ve been doing this for a couple weeks but I don t look any slimmer (at least I don t think so). any suggestions?I m a 14 year old girl btwthanks a million :)

I think it sounds good, just keep up what you re doing. It can take some time from when you start till you see some results. Maybe you are getting results already, but you just dont see it yourself. It s harder to see on ourselves, but let people tell you if they ve noticed a slimmer you =) It s ok to have a little junk food once in a while, or else you might end up binging which is even worse. But I think you re doing a good job, keep it up. And dont forget to switch up your exercise routine, so your body wont get used to some kind of routine. That way you shock your body too, so it wont hit a plateau =) Good luck! And have a nice summer.

Wow, great start so far love. This question is a hell of a lot smarter than the typical OMG LUZE 20 PAONDS question.Improvements:6 meals a day instead of 3... boosts your metabolism, feel full with less food.More fibre to help with fullness - whole grains instead of white for rice, pasta, cereal, and bread.Switch to lean and vegetarian protein options like nuts, seeds, beans, tofu, chicken, turkey, etc...If you re doing all this and your exercise and not getting results, cut back a little on your food (about 250-300 calories a day) and see if that helps. You have a very realistic goal, a good gameplan, and a lot of knowledge.

Sounds like you are on the right track. but remember it all takes time. But to achieve any weight loss, you really need to excercise and eat an overall healthy diet that consist of complex carbohydrates (whole wheat foods that would be great for fiber and needed nutrients), lean protein to help build muscles and repair your body, and good amounts of fat for energy and needed nutrients the body needs that your body cannot create on its own. By making a few adjustments to your current diet (such as switching to water in place of juice and soda, etc, snacking on fruits and raw veggies instead, chosing whole grain products instead of enriched foods, etc) can also help you to shed some weight (depending on how your current diet is). Also cooking healthier (using a cook spray, switching to olive oil, grilling and steaming more often than pan frying and deep frying, etc.) And to help lessen your sweets consumption, try at least limiting yourself to only 2 or 3 a day. And try having healthier sweets like yogurt, all fruit frozen bars (some are only 90 calories each, and with calories so low, that a treat you could possible have each day), jello, 90 calorie or lower pudding cups, fruit, and low calorie ice cream bars (such as skinny cow, weight watchers, etc.)If you try interval cardio training and some weight lifting/resistance training, not only will you lose weigh, but you will also help your body become more leaner and tone looking and your core will become stronger.Try doing some ab work and don t forget to work out your obliques (your love handles )Also because muscle does weigh more than fat, you may be heavier essentially, but leaner too. Eventually the more muscles you will build, the more weight you can burn. More muscles will help you burn more calories at rest. And then eventually the fat/weight will come off... but everything takes time. Remember, it is possible to be leaner and stronger, but weight more. But don t give up and stay motivated... we all hit plateus. Also remember, that every one is a different individual and that we all lose weight from different places at different times. Your body choses when it is time, just be patience.And please note that if you try to lose a lot of weigh in a short amount of time, your body will really go through some health problems. Some risks could be that your hair may grown thinner, your periods may not be regular anymore (which is not a good thing), and your stomach system will be working slower, etc.Realistically, if you lose weigh the heathy way, then 1 to 2 pounds per week is a reasonable amount per week. Anything more, may be due to water loss or you have decided to go the other route and lose weigh by starving yourself.Remember that the number on the scale doesn t define you... you define you. The scale can t tell you how great you look in your jeans or how you feel... so don t rely so heavily on that scale. Our bodies s weight constantly fluctuates all the time... so it isn t always so reliable.