Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How to lose weight efficiently without exercising? -

i want to lose weight without exercising.. what diet would help? its not that i m lazy to exercise but i do not have the opportunity to do so.. my parents wouldnt jog or bring me for exercise.. and i m too young to go alone

Exercise is a very important part of losing weight. Move around the, jog on the spot....whatever.

How old are you? If you re under 16, I strongly recommend calling your Dr. (you can do this without your parents permission) and asking them for some ideas and tips. 16 is just a guideline age I m using based on the maturity of an individual who may be younger than that.If you re over 16, yes, diet can help. Try to cut out the junk. Eat a balanced diet, LOTS of fruit and veggies, whatever you can get your hands on, whole grains like 100% whole wheat bread, multigrain cereals with 2 or more grams of fiber per serving (check out the label), and lean protein like chicken (baked, grilled or broiled, not fried and breaded) fish, and lean cuts of red meat. Drink lots of water, limit soda, sugary juices, and sports drinks. And eat 3 good meals a day and fit in a couple snacks here and there. Good snacks would be an apple and a some cheese, or a slice of whole grain bread with some peanut butter.

Don t eat a lot at one time. Eat small meals every 3 hours or so. Avoid JUNK food like anything sweet or greasy. Spend more time on your feet.The best exercise you can do without going anywhere. Pushups, situps and squats will build your muscles, and muscles eat calories.

If you drink unsweetened grapefruit juice literally as soon as you get up it will not only help you lose weight but help break up and burn fats you consume the rest of the day. That in combination with A LOT of water... works every time for me!!

Dont drink your calories, stick to water (and SKIM milk since it sounds like you re young, you need to bank as much calcium as possible until you re 20) This means NO SODAS!!!! Also, snack on fruits and veggies and if you must eat out, at least skip the fries. Keep up your energy, help out around the house and keep it peppy!

First of all, I find it hard to believe that you are not allowed to do sit ups on the floor, jog in place, push ups and so on...You will be much happier with your look if you are toned and exercise encourages the burning of calories and increases your metabolism.The basics of dieting: eat less calories and the healthiest forms of food available to you. More processed foods are poor choices for overall health and weightloss. Things like chips, cookies, and chicken nuggets are just there to help you feel fat and lousy. Try eating lots of veggies, fruits, drink plenty of water, and lean sources of protien (little fat and cholesterol). You could count your calories or keep a food journal for a few days to help you understand how you are eating. It s easy to eat more than you realize unless you write it down and add it up later. You may be suprised! Losing weight should be pursued as a long term goal toward great health!

first and foremost, exercise goes hand in hand with weight loss. depending on your age, height, body structure, will make a difference on what needs to happen. eating 3-5 servings of fruits veggies a day will help out a lot. check out the site below for more detailed info.

I lost 30lbs without don t ever have to exercise...believe me...but you have to cut back the amount of food you eat.

avoid junk foods, drink water only, eat low carb foods only eat lots of fruits and fresh vegies