Saturday, February 14, 2009

How to lose weight the healthy way and How To Lose Weight Without Losing Bone.With out drugs how to lose weigh? -

for a workable diet here is what my dietician suggests . follow a practical diet. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50 per cent veg, 25 per cent carb.remember potatoes, corn and peas come in carbs category, 25 per cent protein.this will prevent cravings too.have a protein shake if you like occassional treat is OK. have a snack every three hours. fruit ideally berries, or soy nuts. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. switch from white rice and bread to brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Lose a kilo a week. that is permanent loss. pick an exercise regime you like. get a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps everyday.

Some really easy tips are to stop drinking soda (my mom did this and lost 5 pounds super fast), increase your water, fruit and vegetable intake, and be more conscious of your calorie intake (even with liquids like coffee and juice). also, of course exercise-even if its just a 15 minute walk around the block. after awhile all of that calorie deficit adds up and you start losing weight. also, see a nutritionist to see if they can start a weight loss plan that works best for you. just remember not to get sucked into fad diets because you almost always gain the weight back plus some. good luck!