Saturday, February 14, 2009

How to lose weight withn a week? -

or even faster or longer?

try the Lil Jack workout�� and Merry Christmas��

The key for losing weight is not difficult - consume less and workout more - the difficulties arise when we in reality try to put that into operation! There are loads of stumbling blocks in the real world don t you think?! I found some splendid advice by reading the web resource in the box below, they have loads of guidance, I worked off 7 pounds by taking their advice.

cut out the carbs/starches.Just eat fruits, veggies, salads fish or chicken.No salad dressings. Just a little bit of olive oil w/ lemon juice.Snack on carrots.1 slice of bread for lunch.1 lowfat yogurt a day.Lots lots of water.You will lose weight if you re committed.The Lord bless you keep you.

you can lose weight but it wont show it will take longer and in a more healther manoranswer mine please;��

you can t lose weight in a week it won t make a difference on your appearance. this section is filled with morons