Sunday, March 15, 2009

How to lose weight fast with out pills? -

Just asking

* Take one pound at a time* Set Reachable Goals* Stay off the scales* Stay focused on being healthy, not thin* Fat Free?* Drink plenty of water* Reward yourself* Seek help if you need it* Watch your portions* Eat your food slowly- Healthy life every day!

Try playing something like table tennis or basket ball. Games are a fun way to lose weight. It is much more exciting to play a game than just work out by yourself. The best thing about games is that they are addictive. Once you start playing you will soon end up with a friends�� circle and then the playing goes on without even you knowing it. It is something that you can look forward to and there is no stress involved in this program. In fact the more you play the less you will consider this to be a part of your weight loss program. As you burn away those calories, you will also be able to expand your social circle.

I have a secret to lose fat quickly. Hell, in a week, without pills. Its called counting calories. I did it fast by limiting myself to 1200 a day. As an athlete who has a job which requires me to lift heavy objects and running 12 miles per day, I lost over a pound a day at first. Although it was water weight, I did lose weight. I also lost fat and muscle. I retained muscle by increasing protien.Most argue eating so little is dangerous. They claim you go into starvation mode. That is where your motabolism slows down so much that eating so little is counter productive, and that your body burns muscle, not fat. But, the motabolism reduction is about 10%, so exercise will replace that. In addition, lifting weights and increasing protien will retain muscle. Its fast, but its a LOT of work. And it also depends on how much fat you have. If you lose it too fast its dangerous and if you lose it in a wrong way you will gain it back.

Hi,Eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body s fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight. Low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt, known as a dieting plateau. You can never get slim by starving yourself. A healthy weight loss program is one, which does not make you lose weight in such a manner that your health is spoiled. Starvation is not a worthy way to lose weight because most people will fail to abide to the program rules after a certain period.I graduated high school at 240 pounds and at 5 foot 3 that made me about as round as I was tall. I was one of those overweight teenagers who ate anything and everything without any regard to the effects it was having on my own body. Therefore, I began the diet pills, which did not work; I ate the special diet foods and even began drinking diet beverages. None of this stuff worked for me, just as it does not work for millions of overweight people. Eating less did not work and I was not one to work out or even get up and do anything remotely related to exercise. I knew I would look silly and it would hurt. I never thought or really cared about the health effects this would have on me, back then.A year ago after a successful weight loss plan, now at 120 pounds, it is a major difference. I ve lost 30 pounds in the first month. The most significant change in my life is the amount of energy I now have and the way my clothes fit loosely. Everyone close to me and people I haven��t seen in a while are amazed and tell me that I look really good. This is a life changing experience for me although at first I was skeptical about the weight loss plan.Our own metabolism system play a vital part in controlling the amount of body fat burned in the process of providing energy to the body. Knowledge about our own metabolism function is the mother to all weight loss programs. With the knowledge you not only reduce your weight but able to maintain an ideal weight and living a healthy life. Best of all you can eat what you most enjoyed without gaining any weight. The success has inspired me to help others and i am sure you won t be disappointed. The link is at the source below.

Obesity has become a major health problem around the world. Many companies have brought diet pills, medicines, powders and weight-loss belts in the market. Though these products claim to aid weight-loss, the weight reduction is temporary. Besides, the pills and powders can adversely affect your health. Here we offer you some tips to reduce weight successfully, without any negative health effects.1 Reduce fat intake: 2 Reduce intake of sugar:3 Decrease alcohol consumption: 4 Stay away from processed, fast and junk foods since they are laden with fat and sugar. 5 Reduce quantity of food without going hungry:6 Adopt regular eating habits:7 Raise the amount of physical activity:8 Learn a new hobby or interest: 9 Improve your metabolism by eating natural foods: 10 Control your appetite:

Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can. Elevators are one hell of a convenience particularly if you have to go up or down some twenty floors. But elevators also make us very lazy. There may be no sense in trudging up some twenty flights of stairs because by the time you get there you will be totally pooped. But while coming down, if you have the time, you can easily come down the stairs instead of using the elevator. Coming down is not at all exhausting. And talking about the time factor, I don��t think that there is much of a difference. Sometimes waiting for an elevator door to open at your floor after you hit the button can take up all of eternity.

Well to answer your question it would take ime but here is a workout or thing that might help :1)Stop eating and excercise intensely. (time consumed: about a week, maybe)2) Dehydrate yourself. Do not drink any water, and you can lose up to 10 pounds (time consumed: a day or two)3) Get lipo-suction (time consumed: idk, i guess a few hours)4) Cut off a limb. (time consumed: instantaneous)

Well to answer your question it would take ime but here is a workout or thing that might help :1)Stop eating and excercise intensely. (time consumed: about a week, maybe)2) Dehydrate yourself. Do not drink any water, and you can lose up to 10 pounds (time consumed: a day or two)3) Get lipo-suction (time consumed: idk, i guess a few hours)4) Cut off a limb. (time consumed: instantaneous)

If you want to lose some weight fast, this can help you!My wife lost over 60 pounds last year through eating the right things. She has an extremely bad back and is unable to exercise at all. All of the weight she lost was through proper dieting alone.I had her feed me according to the same diet and I lost 30 pounds in about 16 weeks, but I also exercised.My wife did it through a diet center that she paid quite a bit of money to. Of course, she got supplements and stuff through them that I couldn t get.

Do not be a couch potato. It is the easiest thing in the world to become a couch potato. You know what we are talking about don��t you�� That shapeless thing that sits or reclines on a shapeless chair in front of the television and stupidly munches away at something fried! If you are inclined to become a promising old couch potato, break the habit, cut at the very root of the vine. And you want to know what the best way is for that�� Take away that favorite chair of yours. In fact, it would be a very good idea if you could keep a chair that isn��t too comfortable in front of the TV. This will discourage any tendency to become a couch potato.

Stop using remote controls. Remote controls are the bane of a prospective weight loser. They may be remarkable gadgets by themselves but from the weight loss point of view, they just aren��t very helpful. They really encourage us to take a laid back kind of attitude towards life itself. In fact if remote controls were not there, the television would not have become so popular. It is because of remote controls that people can remain where they are and switch from one channel to the other. And they only have to twitch a finger muscle to achieve this. Now, I have nothing against multi channel television sets but what I strongly advocate is that you get up from where you are and change the channel of the TV each time you want to do so. The same thing holds true for other remote controls as well. As it is we have remote controlled TVs, DVD players, A/Cs, garage doors, gateways and what not. The next thing we know is that we will have remote controlled people as well.

If you have a banister rail or a balustrade that will support you, sit on it and pump your legs as if you are riding a bicycle, taking care not to fall off of course. This might sound like another crazy idea and I don��t want to argue with you about that. I just want to tell you that by doing such crazy things, you are in fact not missing a single chance to lose those extra pounds. It is a way of keeping your mind alert all the time. Every thing must look like an opportunity to you.

Join a dance class. Dancing is a wonderful way to burn off those extra calories. It is true. When you dance you are in fact burning away a lot of calories. Of course we are not referring to the slow ballroom kind of dances in which one person actually leans on the other one for support. We are talking about fast dances. The best way to do it is by joining a dance class because they will really wok you out. But I would suggest that you wait for a couple more pounds to vanish before you think of becoming a ballerina.

I did many different program to lose my weight, but nothing worked untill I found this amazing program. It works just amazing and I lost my weight fast after I found right program. I lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks and it was so fast. If you are very serious and really want to lose weight you should have a look. You can get information here

My best friend became a vegetarian and lost literally a good 20 or 30 pounds within a month and a half. When her asshole boyfriend threatened to break up with her if she didn t eat a burger 6 months later and she started eating meat again she gained all of it back within 2 it works you just really have to stick to it.

* Take one pound at a time* Set Reachable Goals* Stay off the scales* Stay focused on being healthy, not thin* Fat Free?* Drink plenty of water* Reward yourself* Seek help if you need it* Watch your portions* Eat your food slowly

Please Mail me with your full details like food style, life style, habits, to pbmurali@rediffmail.comMurali
