Monday, March 16, 2009

How to lose weight im a girl....? -

okay im 12 i weigh 130 pounds and want to know how to lose weight and i dont know so can you tell me food i can eat and how so lose weight in my belly and hip....?

exercise- you should exercise 4-6 days a week. To burn fat, jog or run for 20-40 minutes every other day or out of the 4-6 days. To work on toning your stomach and to help eliminate stomach fat, do 10-15 minutes of ab workouts (sit ups, leg lifts, etc). to help tone your legs and abs, do lunges, and to help tone your arms, lift 5-8 pound weights, do push ups. Be sure that during your workout; drink plenty of water before, during, and after. Also its said that its good to eat 30 minutes prior to work out to keep your muscles from breaking down (what��s good to eat is if in between meals, a piece of fruit, or before lunch, peanut butter and jelly sandwich is really good)when you want to loose weight, eating is most important because if you don��t, your metabolism slows down and your body gets worse. Skipping meals is also bad, including breakfast (breakfast speeds your metabolism and helps you loose weight, true!) its also good to snack every 2-3 hours to keep up your metabolismeating- to eliminate body fat, you need to eliminate your fats and sweets. If you do love chocolate, try eating 2 chocolate covered strawberrys (dark chocolate is better than milk!) or 2 dark chocolate Hershey kisses (according to seventeen mag, you can eat those everyday without hurting your body:)breakfast- go for honey nut cheerios or any low sugar cereal with a piece of fruit, egg whites with cheese and whole wheat toast, whole grain waffles with yogurt and fruit, eggs on an English muffin. Lunch- low fat/sodium turkey sandwich (whole wheat bread). Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Tuna sandwich (light on the mayo, though mayo is good) with a cup of fruit or a piece of fruit or some pretzels or graham crackers. Dinner- fast food? Go for subway or soup. Skip the burgers and fries. Going out to eat? That��s ok in moderation, just don��t go out every day. Have one serving of whatever your mom/dad makes you.Snacks- go for fruit, graham crackers, yogurt, pretzels, veggies (skip ranch, go for peanut butter) or a handful of nuts. Drink- try and skip the soft drinks. Waters best.Good luck and I hope this helps you:)

Alright hun, take it from meI m an ex-anorexic, I was just like you when I was twelve except 30 pounds heavier.It ruined my life to worry about my weight so young, my advice is don t do fad diets or listen to half these people answering.I would say, go outside at least 30 mins a day, run around, ride a bike or even dance around in your room, anything to get your body moving.That and maybe avoiding burgers and fries would be good, but remember you are only 12. you are going to start getting taller and taller and everything will start evening out. If you maintain your weight or even lose a few pounds over the next few years you will end up being perfectly healthy.But if you feel you must do something to get healthier (which should be your main goal, not losing weight) eat more veggies and fruits.Try joining a sport that you like and stick with it, even when things get hard.Good Luck.

you are over your ideal weight with only a few pound what you need here is to tone and firm the area around your waist and belly and firm your thighs and butt this can be done by one of two you can chose either rope jumping for 45 minute or dancing with jumping both can be done by just using your Mp3 with the moving music and you will be burning in 45 minute around 225 calories this will burn 2 pound of fat in one week just start now and you will be great within one month best of luck and when enjoying the dancing you will burn more

Your weight seems to be fine for a 12 year old person. Is your decision to lose weight based on fashion dictations? because, frankly, it s all bogus crap. Maybe strive to be HEALTHY rather than to just lose weight?here are some basics:*Be realistic and honest with yourself. *Eat regular healthy meals: more vegetables and fruit and cut-down the salty, sugar and fatty stuff. particularly bread and pasta.*Stretching exercises including sit-ups and walk (better even, jog) for 1 hour, twice a day.*Drink 8 glasses of water a day.*excercise the mind.*breathe and relax.If this is a real dire concern, maybe concider consulting a nutritionist about healthy menu planning and a personal trainer for an appropriate excercise regime. Good Luck

Go to a dietitian, they can find whats right for someone of your age and weight. They can also talk to you about the reasons behind you wanting to lose weight. It isn t good for someone of your age to be so worried by this - seriously talk to a professional doctor about it,, they truly can advise you in the best way possible.

hey, you don t need to lose weight its not healthy at your age seriously you are going through puberty and thats what happens you gain weight in places. when i was 13 i felt really insecure about my body remember every girl in your class is insecure about her body and desperate to fit in. In a few years you will gain confidence through life experience concentrate on your passion writing,sports,art etc and gain confidence through this. You are beautiful the way you are.

Well first off, your still growing because your only 12. I m 14 and when I was 13 I lost a lot of weight over the summer. What I did was exercise a LOT more. I made a 30 minute playlist on my ipod and rode my bike until the songs were finished playing. I sometimes worked out at night to this workout show on the fitness channel called Total Body Sculpt With Gilad. The food I ate was definitely more healthy. TONS of fruit! and veggies. It s simple, if you get hungry grab an apple :] . Peanut butter, although seems fattening, is actually really good for you and gives you protein. Same with nuts. A handful of nuts before dinner fills you up so you tend to eat less at dinner. Also at dinnertime, get smaller portions so you aren t tempted to eat too much. When you feel too tempted to eat more, pour salt or sugar on top to make it taste disgusting. Plus, eat oatmeal in the morning. It sticks to your stomach, with a lot of water throughout the day!I hope I helped! and good luck ;]

Targetted weight reduction is quite hard, many would state impossible, however the sole diet that clearly showed results for me was wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box below, they have a handful of free trials left, it has been reported in Reader s Digest and CNN. I lost 25 pounds, it clearly does work!

cardio cardio cardio :Dmaybe try to get a gym membershipp!fitness 19 is really cheap.(thats where i go)and eat some special k and avoid soda.your not really overweight, so it wont take you long to lose a few pounds.just watch what you eat and eat less and exercise alot.your younge so youll be able to lose it fast! :Dgood luck!

Running is a great exercise! hit the treadmill 3-4 times per week for 30- 45 minutes. do sit ups whenever you can ( even between tv commericals). eat lean protein (chicken, fish), protein ( meats, eggs, nuts) and fruits/ vegetables. cut back on the soda and drink water or low fat milk instead. hope that helps :)

No soda. Eat smaller portions and healthier foods. Maybe you and a few friends go on walks together or join a sports team. I wouldn t worry to much about it your still growing and your body is changing. But do what you think is best for you. But be healthy about it, don t over do it and don t starve yourself. Good luck : )

oo ik! all u gotta do is do about 40 sit ups/crunches. watever u wanna call em every night b4 u go to bed. then gradually add more on. like after a few days change it to 60..then 100 and so on. im 13 and i had the same problem, but wen i did that it totally worked. i did it during the summer so wen i went back to school every was like wow wat happend to HER!!?/ it was a great feeling. you should try it.

Eat less than you usually do at meals (but still eat!). I have a friend who just did this and she lost 10 pounds since the beginning of the month. Do sit ups/crunches/leg lifts/flutter kicks for your stomach.

run, eat soda, fattening foods, and workout to lose the weight the fastest do these

excersizing. one glass of cabbage juice a day for one month can make you lose twenty pounds in that one month.

Don t eat or drink anything , only water, after 6:00 pm.It will start working the first day.

If youre 12 you really dont need to worry about it yet.

just look at fat grams and calories and work out and you will lose some weights

watch the movie you on a diet