Thursday, March 19, 2009

How to lose weight really really really fast!!!!!!!!? -

i weigh 113 and i am 4 11 but i really want to lose weight like as fast as i can WITHOUT buying anything. i would like to lose like 15 pounds. thank you

There s no magical shortcut to weight loss, just eat healthy and exercise. Now was that so hard?

eat normal becuse fasting does not work at ALL! It only make you fatter and it can kill you. Eat healthy and excercise at least 3-5 times a week...Preferably walking or swimming...You are fairly skinny already which means your matabilisms high,so you should have no problem losing weight. But you shouldnt want to lose weight just to look good becuse your already around your normal weight..Lose weight to be healthy XDI know this will work :]

drink seven cups of water every day and drink water when your eating fruits and vegetables. and eat some chicken sometimes for dinner but grill it or bake it preffurably bake it. and excersis everyday for two hours they say one but two hours will help you more. and the water helps because it flushes out the toxins and stores the nutrients. so when you drink water when you eating healthy food like fruits and vegetables your getting those nutrients. and drink some water before a meal and after.

if you know the singer jared leto from the band 30 seconds to mars he is a skinny guy. he put on 67 pounds for the role of a movie called chapter 27. HE LOST 67 POUNDS IN A COUPLE OF DAYS I THINK BY JUST EATING CAYENNE PEPPER WITH LEMON.

just choose healthier foods and you cant really loose wait fast, the fastest way tho would prolly be makeing yourself puke but that is extremly unhealthy

Burn more calories than you take in. one pound of fat is 3500 calories=do the math. A 10 min mile is about 100 calories

if you lose 15 pounds you will become anorexic=(

eat healthy, exercise. avoid fatty and high carb foods such as cheese and wheat. try to get an hour of exercise a week.

dont eat anything and exercise LIKE HELL!SWEAT THE FAT OFF.

sweat it off you might be able to pull of ten pounds lol or go on a cocain diet

Cutting off an arm would do it.

try weight watchers. it is free. it lets you loose the right amount of weight.


why?? Ur already skinny

go to the toilet and POOP IT OUT MAKE SOME NOISE