Friday, April 10, 2009

How to lose weight the fast way?? -

does ne1 kno the fastest and quickest way to lose weight??which tablets or pills are the best

If you want to reduce your weight, you need to do a lot of exercise to accelerate your metabolism. It s better if you do cardiovascular exercise, because this kind of exercise helps you burn fat...You should begin with a good eating plan, combining fats and sweets with fruits and vegetables. It will be better if you drink at least eight glasses of water daily to control your calories and your cholesterol.If you want you can use some pills to control your weight and to accelerate the process of burning fat.I know some pills which you can use to reduce your weight. Those pills are Xenical. Its results are excellent and fast.

Atkins....but you will probably gain it back.

I personally do not believe in taking pills to lose weight. The quickest way is to drink lots of water and eat healthy along with a good exercise program or even just walking about 30-40 minutes per day.

Any fad diet will get the results you want. Just remember these are not good for you body and once you come off the diet you will gain the weight back.

Run - Running is the best way to lose weight.

I take Zylene, made and sold in the US. All natural and it gives me tons of energy, decreases my appetite and decreases my cravings. Better than ephedra!

coca tea aloe��it is great! you can see results after 2 weeksyou can get the tea at amazon��and the aloe at walmart

Don t Diet, Eat less Run, Jogg and Swim More.Don t Sit around Do some Exersise I am Perfectly in Shapetrust me I don t Do Anything but Exercise

This is the best diet:1. day- only vegetables2. day - only meat 3. day- only milk4. day- only fruits5. day- only - only only only meat(again) only only potatoes(again).. u should repeat it 3x..u will lose 7kg at least

this is a great diet i use before a photo shoot or a great nite out---for three days all i eat is Salmon (fresh or canned) and only blueberries or blackberries. it freshens my skin and trims me up-- and I looovvvveee the food anyway. it just taste fresh and clean. dont limit yhourself on the amount, i eat it often it just seems to do so good for the body --- use diet wisely.I have taken Phentermine to lose weight but it seem to lose lean body tissue--and it doesnt feel healthy and vigourous,. the food diet feels great - your gut gets emptied-- your energy soars----try it

Eat one or 2 apples before eating a meal. I am slowly loosing weight, but I won t gain it. Also, walk as much as you can and eat good food.