Friday, April 10, 2009

How to lose weight?????? -

Hi. I m 13 year old girl who is 168.8lbs, and i m trying to lose weight down to 102.4lbs before summer. If you know any websites that don t involve pills, buying a product off the internet, (because my mom doesn t want any off those things). Then can you please help me. I want to look good down at the beach. So boys can ask me out and stuff like that.

Well, it depends on your height.. but if you want to lose weight then the goal is to EAT healthy and to EXERCISE.You want to have a goal, and your goal is to lose weight before the summer. SO, first things first. Cut down on the sweets and pick up the vegetables. A lot of sugars can cause you to gain weight because they store it as fat. Meaning cookies and cake. If you take out soda of your diet and drink a bunch of water since water has 0 calories you can see smaller results already. Also the average daily food consumption of calories are 2,000 calories. So you want to eat only up to 2000 calories and if you want faster results you eat less than 2,000 calories. Cookies and cake can contain up to over 300 calories for only about two of them so you get what I m saying?Next is exercise. You want to BURN the calories you ate. Cardio is the best. Meaning walking, running, biking, dancing, etc. Do about 3-5 times a week for about 30min-60min. If you combine the two you can lose weight very healthily per week. The healthy range to lose weight per week is about 2-3lbs. Soon you ll see good results. :D Good luck!

Hello anonymousFirst step is to eat healthier food. Eating healthy, balanced meals is the first goal we must strive for. Pay attention to what you re eating to make sure it s not filled with additives. Include lots of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Stay away from too many sugars and sweets, and drink plenty of water.Exercise is the second key ingredient if you need help to lose weight. Aerobic exercise is something you should fit into your schedule a 2 or 3 times per week. Keep your heart rate up for 30 minutes - 3 times per week to start. Increase the length and intensity of your exercise, as you feel more comfortable and energized. Some light weight training and resistance exercises a couple times a week can be very beneficial also.

Beauty comes from within. You shouldn t judge yourself from your weight. Are you tall? Your weight may be perfect for your height.If you really want to lose weight, I think you should just go outside and take a nice jog, take a dog for a walk, bike around the neighborhood. You ll feel great, and you may gain confidence. Confidence is all you need. Never let your weight get you down. Focus on your cute smile, talents, and your kind heart. You ll go so much fartherGood luck.xoxoSimplyKawaii

hun, lets be realistic. You want to lose 66.4lbs by summer. You have like 22 weeks and it will be mid june. That s 3lbs a week. You ll have to monitor everything you eat and exercises daily. That requires a ton of self control and discipline. I think you should aim for a more reasonable goal, but if you can do this: the more power to you: Good luck :)

why do you need a website? just work out!!!! pay attention to what you eat. stay away from vending machines, meaning STOP drinking juices and sodas, those have a VERY BIGGGGG affect on weight. i mean there s nothing wrong with drinking those here and there, but don t make it a habit. try going to the park and just jog, run or walk.

ok im 12 im going to turn 13 soon and i weigh like 84 pounds i know weird right anyway im short and that s why i weigh so little i think im fat so like at home everyday do some exercises at home like crunches push ups lift weighs and then try to eat healthier like eat some veggies and every once in a while, eat like some chips or whatever...

How tall are you?Don t do it by restricting the basic 4 food groups from your diet because you are still growing it will stunt your growth. Exercise a lot, eat mostly fruit and vegetables. And get different parents.

Eat less and exercise more. can REALLY help you get started with a weight loss plan :)