Friday, April 24, 2009

How to lose weight fast? -

what is the fastest way to Weight ?

try exercisign with Jack�� comments welcome

If you are relatively healthy, and you think you may be addicted to sugar, fats and such, the Atkins diet literally melts the fat right off of your body. Try to get the old school book: Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution . But, and this I stress, you should get your own Dr. s okay before starting any diet. Some people are just not healthy enough for this diet. An extra plus with this diet; after you have been on it for about 3-4 days, you lose all your cravings. You just can t beat that! I wish you the very best with your weight loss endeavor.

The fastest way to lose weight fast is to eat healthy and exercise. Plain and simple. No fad diets or magic pills required. Get most of your calories from lean protein and veggies. Eat smaller more frequent meals (5-6) to accelerate your metabolism. Do some cardio and circuit train with weights. This will build some muscle and calories. Put it all together and you shouldn t have any problems. Hope this helps!

First, sleep early and wake up early.Second, exercise at least 15 minutes a day more on stretching and jogging.Third, eat nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables.Fourth, if you re an Asian lower the consumption of rice.Fifth, drink a lot of WATER and avoid sodas.Sixth, avoid eating sweets like chocolates and ice cream.I hope this will help you lose your weight faster. God bless!

Watch this VIDEO... suggest you start from here. It s very easy.

are you serious ? how many weight so u want to lose ?ask me now !! hope to hear from u soon !!

burn more calories then you consume.