Friday, April 10, 2009

How to lose weight fast? -

i wanna know of a good diet to lose weight fast?? i don t want tablets, just a easy to stick by diet.

I know it sounds cliche and annoying, but:Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, lots of water, making sure you have some lean low-fat protein (fish, chicken without skin, nuts) and a lot of exercise.The best possible exercises are running/jogging, brisk walking, getting stretches in, and pilates. Green tea and spices are great for boosting the metabolism - the rate at which the body burns calories. Speaking of which, calorie counting is not going to help. All it does is actually slow the metabolism. Not good, when you want a fast one.Also, great for not wanting the pills - the sad truth is that they do not work. Lastly, if you re under 16 years old it is a very bad thing to diet, because you could still be growing a bit and dieting stunts the growth.

First if you already haven t, switch to diet soda. That made me lose at least 10 pounds in the first month because i drank so many! Diet Dr. Pepper is my favorite, that s the only one i found that doesn t taste diety. But water would be a better choose. Then i eat lean cuisine meals. Around 3 a day and i give myself set times to eat. Just because i found that i eat out of boredom, not hunger. So you don t really have to that. They aren t that expensive, at my walmart they are 2 for 4$. For snacks i eat those 100 calorie packs, pickles, almonds, dried fruit, cereal bars...i mean the list goes on. There is tons of food/snack food that are low fat/calories you just have to look a little bit harder. Ive just now started walking on the treadmill too, usually about 1 or 2 miles a day. That s all for work outs, haha. I limit myself to 1000 calories a day. So far i tend to lose round 5 LBs a week.

Do you eat junk food? Soft drinks (soda pop)? Or eat out at restaurants?If so, you can start by cutting these things out entirely. Cook for yourself at home using fresh ingredients like fruit and vege, meats, whole grains and dairy. And stay active. Even a 30 minute walk around the block is ok.