Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How to lose weight fast? -

How can I lose as much weight as possible in about a week? No sarcastic answers please.

The fastest way is not the best way. Don t worry about quickness, worry about sustainability. Don t worry about calories. They don t matter, nor do fat, carbs, sugars, or any other component of food. What matters is the whole food and how it is prepared.Caloric science is inherently flawed for several reasons.1. It assumes 100% absorption (we all abrosb and excrete different amounts of any given food)2. It assumes the energy released by combustion (setting on fire) in the lab is the same as is released when broken down enzymatically in the gut.3. It assumes all calories are burned the same (calories from natural sources give a more steady release of energy and are eliminated more efficiently.4. It assumes the same exercise will be the same amount of exertion by everyone, regardless of size or shape.5. People in China eat 25-40% more calories than their American counterparts, but have much less obesity.6. Correlation does not prove causation. Heavy people consume more calories; did the calories make them heavy, or did the heaviness make them require more calories? Maybe they are both symptoms of a deeper problem.If we eat like the Asians, we will look like the Asians (thin). When they eat like us, they look like us (not thin). This is not to say that you have to eat Asian food all the time. The different cultures have very different cuisines, but they all adhere to the same principles.You should eat: mostly vegetables, mostly cooked (cold and raw foods have to be cooked by us, slowing our digestion and metabolism), a wide variety, simple grains (more rice, less bread and pasta)m, some fruit, mostly local and organic and fresh foods, a little meat, no dairy (designed by nature for infants to grow fat), no artificial foods and nothing labeled diet . Sugar substitutes slow the metabolism and increase appetite. Get off of diet soda, drink room-temp or body-temp water, and have 1/2 to 1 cups of green tea with most meals.A plant-based diet with a wide variety of foods can reverse diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.Get a little exercise every day. Tai Chi is the best, walking, swimming, and resorative yoga are also great. Every other exercise should be in a wider rotation. Get a moderate amount of exercise and don t go hungry. Exercising too much and/or eating too little will put your body into starvation mode and make it try to hold on to fat. Also don t hold on to stress.Keep yourself filled with good food, keep your body active and your mind flexible, and you will achieve the health you seek. The Asian Diet: simple secrets for eating right, losing weigh, and being well explains the principles of the diet and their rationale. The Asian Diet: Get slim and stay slim the Asian Way by Tran has recipes that adhere to the principles. The China Study by Campbell has the science behind the principles.Good luck to you.sources:http://www.theasiandiet.comhttp://www.thechinastudy.com

eat negative calories foods only...research it..(celery is#1) also go jog alot and drink lots of water