Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How to lose weight in 3 weeks WITHOUT hitting the gym? -

Try this if you have the will power. It s not for wimps.��

If you want to lose weight some weeks. You can try Lose weight a week plan first!Day 1:Eat the soup accompanied with watermelon and melon for your main food all day long. Consume a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice before you go to bed.Day 2:Stop eating fruit at all! Consume your soup and you are allowed to eat green salad. Make sure the salad contain no dressings, peas and corns.For dinner you can consume roasted potato or baked potato with butter (don t ever think to fry it)Day 3:Consume the soup, salad and fruit but no potato today.Day 4:Eat the soup accompanied with a glass of skimmed milk. Consume 8 pieces of banana to provide your body enough energy. Your body now need carbohydrate and protein also calcium to lessen body need for sugar.Day 5Eat your soup again. Today you should consume salad and salmon fish. Make sure the salmon fish don t exceed 10 ounces.Day 6You should consume maximum 10 ounces of meat along with your soup. You need the protein here.Last DayConsume 4 table spoons of rice with vegetables. Drink fresh watermelon or melon juice without sugar and eat your soup also today.Search: How do I lose weight in a week?;_ylt=A0oGkwRcnBBITWwB.zNXNyoA? y=Search fr= ei=UTF-8Please enjoy it!

i gained 25 lb when i was pregnant so when i gave i want to lose weight fast, now this is not healthy but if it is just for a few days or couple of weeks it will work... i was taking 2 prenatal vitamins per day and salads all day now salads with no dressings or cheese or croutons... just lettuce (romane andiceberg) spinach, tomatos, cucumbers, celery put salt pepper and lime (lime juice actually helps a lot to lose weight)u can add a grilled chicken with just salt and pepper, or some turkey ham... drink lots of water and dont forget the vitamins... i was eating tis every day (actually drinking milk too) for 2 weeks NOONE belive i just gave brith afer those 2 weeks it really worked for me... now im eating healthy my 3 meals per day plus snacks and excercicing too...good luck!!!

Weight Loss Tips You Must Know and Practice :1 : Have a Goal : The most important tip is to have a goal ,having a goal tells you were you are going and how to get there. When you have a goal you don t get discouraged because you know where you are going and as Les Brown will always say when the dream is big ,the problems doesn t matter.2 : Before You start that weight loss program , take a picture of Your present self and keep it for future reference. You should also know your present weight and make sure to keep a record.3 : Quality Exercise: This is not an entirely new method ,but this step should be taking seriously by any one who intends to reduce weight and have a good shape. Exercise could be difficult but any one who is really interested in losing weight must endure for a minimum of four 40 minutes sessions in a week.4 : Aerobic/cardio Work out : Aerobic/cardio workout helps in the reduction of fat and metabolic rate. Ensure to engage in serious aerobic/cardio training 2 to 4 days a week will help in the fat burning process and also in metabolic rate. Many believe Calorie are being burnt while engaging in aerobic exercise only but the truth is , you are burning calories during the exercise AND you are conditioning the body to burn more calories even after the cardio session is done. Short cardio sessions ( 10 - 20 minutes ) will help increase body metabolic rate so as to burn off more calories even when sleeping or resting.To see more results fast endure to engage in cardio sessions for a minimum of four 15-20 minutes sessions a week .5 : Keeping a food diary can be a huge asset in successful weight loss. Devote some time each day to record what you have eaten and how much, your hunger level prior to eating, and any feelings or emotions present at the time. A food diary can provide a large amount of self-awareness. It can identify emotions and behaviors that trigger overeating, foster greater awareness of portion sizes, and help you discover your personal food triggers. Study any patterns that emerge from your food diary and identify where you may be able to make more healthful changes. A food diary provides an added benefit of keeping you focused on and committed to your goals. Start keeping a food diary today byprinting our food diary.6 : Do not Skip Meals : Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the the rest of the article at��

Do not undertake any exercise if you are in pain or feeling unwell. If you feel faint, dizzy or unwell while exercising stop immediately.Abdominal Exercises--------------------------------------��The stomach and abs region is one areas of the body where excess weight is most noticeable - especially in men. Use the exercises in this section to strengthen the abdominal muscles and to really tone that stomach!Stomach Tuck-In | Waist Twists | Sit Ups / CrunchesWhy not take a close look at our dedicated section for abdominal exercises or consider the abdominal exercise machine?Backs--------------------------------------��One of the largest muscle group areas on the body - it s also the muscle groups that many forget to use properly and also forget to train properly.Back ExercisesBalance--------------------------------------��Included are some examples of some simple exercises that you can do to improve your balance. Many of the exercise examples shown as part of the Exercise at Home section require a certain degree of balance, so this section should be very useful.BalanceLeg Exercises--------------------------------------��Exercises that target the calves, thighs, hamstrings and buttocks. These exercises are also suitable for beginners and can be a added to for a more challenging workout. Click on the leg exercise links below to get a full description of the exercise. You may find the section on exercise equipment helpful if you keen on toning and strengthening your legs :Squat | Lunges | Front Leg Raise | Side Leg Raise | Rear Leg Raise | Alternate Leg Raise | Leg Cross Over | Thigh Squeeze | Calf RaisesMobility Improvement Exercises--------------------------------------��Exercises to improve mobility of the neck, shoulders, hips and ankles. Great exercises for those right at the start of their exercise program.Mobility ImprovementStamina--------------------------------------��Increasing your stamina will help you complete your every day tasks more easily, and ensure that you have raised energy levels and feel fitter. There is also more information in the Cardio section.StaminaUpper Body Exercises--------------------------------------��Helpful exercises for those who would like to improve their upper body strength and tone. Some of the exercises require weights, and also a weight bench would be of use, but for those exercises like the bicep curls why not consider using a bag of sugar, or maybe some tinned produce to give that extra workout. Have a look at the resistance straps and free weights if you would like some information on additional exercise equipment to help you out while doing these exercises.

be a vegan. and i mean strictly vegan. just take essential vitamins to be sure.for a month, i lost 15 lbs, just being a lacto-ovo vegetarian. what more if you re a vegan? :D

thats really not possible or healthy, but the only solution to that is drink plenty of water eat healthy (extra healthy) and hit up the sauna. It ll be torture and hell but there ya go

eat food with lots of fiber.. and don t eat things that says non fat.. most of them have substitute fats that isnt healthy.. have simple exercise at home too...

stop eating meat, bread, cheese and pastas!! eat more vegetables and fruits

Eat less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

krispy kreme s and beer