Friday, June 19, 2009

Help, how to lose weight and keep it from coming back? -

do you think i will be able to lose 9 kilos by november from the end of the year.

It s hard to say without knowing your age, health, physical condition - I m assuming your overweight ... then yes, if you want to bad enough and dedicate yourself - eat right, workout right - it s pretty basic actually

Yes -it is possible if you change your diet habits and life style-Take less amount of carbohydrate,proteinous and fatty foods- take salads , fruits,water to compensate your hunger. Diet restriction and change of life-style will give you a miraculous result.

eat less and walkwalk for an hour a dayworked for my wife she lost over a hundred pounds

by not going on any diet just change your life style

cut out all processed foods, soda(even diet), and extra calories from coffee shop concoctions. Keep your diet simple by checking out recipes online that use fresh veggies and whole grains. Drink lots of water and limit your out of house eating. Start exercising.Lost 10lbs really fast when I cut the soda out of my diet years ago. Lost another 5 by cutting out all processed foods. And I wasn t even trying to lose weight!! The brain switch flipped and the thought of processed foods, soda, junk food, and franchise restaurants just disgust me. I ve been years w/o crap and feel much more lively now then when I was a teenager!!!!