Sunday, June 28, 2009

How to lose weight.? -

i need a quick recipe or anything to help me lose weight.possibly some excersises. maybe a recipe. i have to lose 15 pounds by aug. 18, help me please,I DONT CARE IF IT S NOT HEALTHY! STOP SAYING IT ISN T, I KNOW IT S NOT, YOUR JUST PLAIN STUPID IF YOU TELL ME THAT!

get diet pills

well, you didn t mention how much you weigh now. I mean, if you re actually overweight it ll be a lot easier and pounds will just drop off once you start dieting. But, if you re at a healthy weight and just want to lose vanity pounds it won t be so easy.The simplest plan is always the best: just cut your calories to 1200 a day and do at least 30 mins of aerobic exercise a day. do more if you want to lose faster. you can break up your workouts; for instance you can do 25 mins jogging in the day and then ride a bike for another 25 mins at night. That would give you almost a whole hour of exercise. Do not eat any sugary/fried foods or sugary sodas. Diet sodas and other diet drinks are ok. Drink at least a half gallon of fluid a day, preferably water or green tea (Which revs up your metabolism). If you re a coffee nut like me make sure you get skinny drinks that are sugar-free and have fat-free can take off one day a week from your diet to eat whatever you like. i m trying to lose weight before school too and I lost 6 pounds the first week doing this.good luck :)

HeyTry to find weight loss program which suits your body. You can use fitness equipment/tools and training program. here you will find top 5 weight loss program and tips. Avoid eating fats like milk, butter /cake/oil/sweets/chocolates.Eat more vegetables, fruits, juices...but keep drinking juice so your glucose level will maintain and u didnt get any weekness. And as simple exercise start walking. while walking move your hand and legs freely and fast....dont speak during walking. take deep breath and walk faster and faster till u get sweat. I think this will enough for you. One more remedies for this is.....take lemon juice and honey in hot water glass and drink it in early morning on emply stomach. and then go for walk. Best of lukBut still i suggest that if you concern for your health and fitness first go to nearer slimming center. Ask for diet and things...

ok well you need to only eat fruit and drink only water. avoid any fats carbs and choletrol. talk couple mile walks everyday and do some zen and yoga everyday. if you wanna intense it a little bit you can run a couple miles instead of walk a couple miles. if your older avoid any achole. its a healthy but yet very affective diet.

Well I guess I m stupid.... but then again, I m the skinny one. If you don t care about your health then go ahead and try a gimmick product that promises you extreme weight loss and see what happens. Maybe once you see for yourself how dangerous it is you ll appreciate that stupid people tried to warn you and you ll take it more seriously in the future. Best of luck!

for a workable diet - here is what my dietician suggests - follow a practical diet. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50% veg, 25% carb(potatoes, corn and peas come in carbs category), 25% protein.this will prevent cravings occassional treat is OK. have a snack every three hours. fruit (ideally berries) or soy nuts. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. switch from white rice and bread to brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Lose a kilo a week. that is permanent loss. pick an exercise regime you like.

eat half of everything you normally eat and exercise everyday for an hour each day. make sure you are still eating though. and drink water and Gatorade. don t drink juices or soda. mostly stick to water and some Gatorade.good luck.:)

Jog or ride a bike for a couple miles every day and lay off the fast food. Green tea, plain without suger will help you lose weight.

im almost in the same situation ; good luck if you find a way ! [ oh and tell me the trick haha ]

purge. ahaha

stop eating

Ummm u got problems?By the way, I lost 20 pounds AND IM NOT TELLING U HOW!! HAHA!

no idea huni...get the lap band