Sunday, June 21, 2009

Need help how to lose weight 14 yrs old? -

Hey im 14 yrs old and i am over weight can some one please help me how to lose weight i have tryed before but after the second day i hurt so much and it puts me off doing it again.i am NOT strong and am to young to go to a gym. what exercises can i do to at home to help me lose weight FAST ??? thank you i really hate feeling huge and want to change.

well if you exercised and found that it hurt the next day and gave up you are not getting are LAZY thats why your overweight...maybe your school has a i decided i want to start getting fitter so i am going to run say 5kms on the treadmill so maybe you should say i want to run blah blahh blahh and achieve it...if you ever feel down think of you as fit or however you want to be..also you can maybe get up an hour earlier every day and go for a walk or walk your dog or ride your bike im not sure....Also you need to change yuour eating more chips...take out etc. no chocolate...try to eat healthy foods like fruit and vegetables maybe eat a carrot when you get the munchies.Anyways good luck and if you dont keep pushing you wont get anywhere!

You re too young to lose weight FAST! At your time of life your body is going through some serious changes, and a Fast diet will only stress you and do a lot of damage. But at 14, omg don t we feel selfconscious about Every Last Thing! I still remember after half a century!So, let s think it through.Are you seriously overweight?How did you try to lose weight? And where did it hurt? You could have a word with the gym teacher at school about a gentle exercise routine and proper warm-ups. Swimming and brisk walking are good, start gently and build up to it. So is dancing, and it s fun - do it alone to your fave music! Eating properly is essential, change to wholemeal breads pastas. Fresh fruit veg instead of junk food candy! Cut out soft drinks, just lots of pure fruit juices or plain water.Now your folks have to pay for your food, so why not get a paper-round or a Saturday job of some kind, so you can offer to help out? That will give you some exercise and you ll get paid for it!Your body shape is your own, love, and it s not for others to criticise; maybe you ll always be a bit big, but a healthy routine will make you a nice shapely big . And - hardest of all - stop worritin about how you look. There s a secret to being attractive - take notice of the other person, forget yourself, listen and attend to what they re saying, and they ll think you re seriously gorgeous!And smile, that s really important!

It is a possibility to lose weight rapidly but you should be realistic and accept that if you lose weight rapidly then you will almost certainly put it all back on again just as rapidly. The one method that clearly worked for me is wu-yi tea, it can be checked out in the resource box underneath, they have a handful of free trials in stock, it was featured in Fox News and CNN. I melted away twenty five pounds, it clearly does produce success!

I ve often found that it s routine that often determines our weight/fitness. If you want a long-term solution, build more activities into your daily life. This could be walking further, joining a club where you are required to be active, cycling, swimming or whatever works for you. Also eating (a larger) healthy breakfast will give you more energy and discourage snacking. Making lifestyle changes is not always easy, so don t be discouraged if you don t see immediate results or find it difficult to keep up a healthy routine - its normal - just do the bits you can do, and if you fall off the track, brush yourself down and try again. Trying is the first step towards succeeding and failures teach us how we can improve. Finally one point not to overlook is that we are all different shapes and sizes, and being a bit larger isn t something to be ashamed of. Be confident and proud of yourself. You are you and that s great. :)

First off you were probably hurting so much the next day because you over worked your muscles. But walking is a very effective way to lose weight and in addition to walking eating right is vidal. My neighbor who is a personal trainer said a healthy diet is key to losing weight and keeping it off. So walking, changing your eating habits, and basic workouts will help you have the body you want.Good Luckk!I wish you success with your goals!:]P .S Checkout out the sources for extra tips!

Well you could buy a workout dvd that interests you for example, if your interesting in dancing, say hip hop, you can always buy one online. I ve got one and their really worth it, you can feel the calories burning - literally!Or run down the stairs for about, at least 50 times, thats one way to get exercise.Eat fruit veg. Honestly 5 a day helps and have the odd choco bar cuz if you dont eat, your most likey to put on weight. (fact)Press ups? Stretches? Dancing randomly to music?good luck x im 14 too x

I know it hurts when you start off but then it becomes second nature if you know what i Mean its all about the exercise and food (mostly the exercise. Maybe get a personal trainer at your local gym who can push you so you dont quit so easy. here is a link i��

You need to talk to your parents and ask them to go to the doctors with you where you will get all the advice and help you need. You are too young to try and do this by yourself, you need the support of your family and professional help.

start walking a lot, walk around the block, walk at home, drink lots of water, eat better portions, dont eat stuff with a lot of sodium, and not a lot of sugar, do situps, and jogging.

1. Cut out ALL junk, eat healthy.2. Replace snacks with fruit.3. Spend 30 minutes a day on a treadmill.You ll lose 1kg a week, if you follow it PROPERLY

I Am 11 years old ........... I go to gym....why cant youThere s another way to lose weightThat you have to run 200 meters every day If I Am Right choose me as best answerer...

Walk daily, Drink lots of water. Don t eat oil foods

power walk.

u can has cookie ? hmm hmm ?