Friday, July 24, 2009

How to lose weight (teens)? -

I am a teen 5 FT. 6 IN. and i con t lose weight. i play football basketball bowling and paintball. I run faster then some of my friends that are skinnyer. but i can t lose weight i exercises everyother day and i hardly eat junk food and drink soda. help?

you must be overeating then, only eat brekfast, lunch and dinner, and dont fill up the tummy all the way. keep 80% of the stomach full. and remember eat healthy, lay off the snacks and then you be in perfect condition in no time._____________________________________You never mentioned you r fat/big tho? unless you r skinny and want to lose moar weight -.-

all those stuffs are just cardios dude

working out as in lifting weights is not losing weight...when you lift you need to lift with high intensity, resting less than a minute between sets...and doing lots of sets of each exercise...and go running you can run 3.2 miles (5k) in 20-30 minutes no problem, take me 18...if you don t start losing weight, you will definately sculpt your body...and do abs every day, not jus 4 sets of 20 sit ups,,,do a bunch of different abs exercises incline sit ups, leg lifts, and start your abs workout with 3 sets of situps to failure...1 day a week of plyrometrics is good too...and when your sittin around and your bored do sum sit ups and do sum pushups, as many as you can do, it only takes i minute or so to do as many as you can do, give it a try

is there a possibility that you don t need to lose weight... I happen to be a bit bigger and heavier than most of my friends and other people that are my height but because i have so much more muscle than most of them there is no possible way for me to be the same weight as them. instead of focusing on weight, focus on health. if you are being healthy, which it sounds like you are then don t worry so much about how much you weigh. How do you feel?Are you actually obese?What is your body fat percentage?What is your blood pressure?Do you have some other medical condition that could be causing this?These are questions you might want to think about and if you really feel something is wrong and you should be losing weight, i would go to the doctor. Sometimes thyroid problems can cause weight or other disorders.Just focus on being healthy and have fun!

You would be shocked at how much weight you can lose by cutting sugar/carbs and fried foods out of your diet (Completely). Unfortunately, those are two difficult habits to kick. Try it for one week and you will find the results satisfying and motivating.

clean thats what i did i was 215 and is now 141 it really works and just go walking it took me one and a half months

Just go to any slimming centre.

you have just said so yourself that your skinny so why do you want to lose weight?

Dance!! Thats what i did.

eat less

Try biking for 15-30 min before bed. it really wears you out so you fall right to sleep and you burn fat in your sleep

go to YMCA

replace all drinks with water