Monday, July 27, 2009

How to lose weight? -

i m 5 7 and weigh 190....... yea i kno too muchi wanna be about 125 by the time i get my license which is in about 15 weeks, is this possible?

start counting those calories and exercise at least 3 times a week,

125 is way too low, and no, you can t get there in 15 weeks - it would be immensely stressful for your body and heart, and your body would probably take over and you d just gain the weight back plus some. I d aim for 15 lbs in 15 weeks - and even that is pushing it. If you want to get down to, say, 155, I d do it over a much longer period of time. It will be worth it in the long run. Good luck - why not try a program like weight watchers? Also, there is a registry of people who have lost considerable weight and kept it off. Google it, and they have some good research on what has helped people. One major factor is eating breakfast. Take care of yourself!! That will always pay off in the attractiveness department and will make you feel better, too.

exercise and eat less


Exercise, definatelyEat healthier foods- more fruit, less soda, more juice and water, not as many junk foods, low calorie snacks, yogurt, etc.and don t eat very big meals. Even if you may WANT more, you may not NEED more! hope this helps!~:-)

That is a lot to lose but it is up to you. See this site which tells about how much is safe to lose. Then see home page to lose weight the quickest way.

I know someone who tried EVERYTHING. Anything you could think of, she tried, she ended up getting a Lap-Band Surgery. After that she found out she had a disease, where what ever she ate, she would gain weight. Everyone is differnet. If you are REALLY having trouble, talk to your doctor. Try Weight Watchers, after a while if you see no results, try something else, if all fails. I would say look online for How long you should exersise, How much you should eat, etc. If you want to get a surgery, I would suggest Lap-Band, it s not as painful or as drastic as the bypass.What ever you do, I hope you find results. Good Luck

I lost about 6 pounds a week when I drank water about 8 large glasses of water a day with exercise. Eat but measure your food and that will help and then your stomach will shrink and it won t require as much to fill you up. I really did the best when I went to weight watchers and had people I was accountable to. I didn t want to show up and not have lost any weight so I worked hard. They also have great recipes.. Don t get down if you don t lose a lot of weight each week it will go up and down. Good luck!!