Thursday, July 16, 2009

How to lose weight? -

How can i lose about 50lb over the summer?

(m)Exercise more The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets and fad diets nor sudden bursts of exercise. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise. For example, someone who has not exercised for years should not rush into running three miles every day. Exercise needs to be increased slowly. People who eat a lot will experience problems if they suddenly start starving themselves. Introduce changes gradually. Even relatively light exercise such as a short walk may be beneficial if done frequently. The calories you eat minus what you use in exercise and maintaining your body will be stored as fat. Someone that increases the amount they exercise, but maintains the same diet and calorie intake, will almost certainly lose weight.How to exercise in a fun way Thankfully we are all different in our likes and dislikes and, therefore, exercise in a variety of ways. It is essential that you find an activity that is enjoyable, appropriate, accessible and affordable for you. That way you are far more likely to build it into your routine and continue regular exercise, despite the inevitable set backs due to illness, family commitments, etc.For people who do not like sweating in a fitness studio there are fun alternatives.When going to the local park, nature trails or trips to the seaside, try to incorporate longer walks into the outing and take a picnic so you are in control of what you are going to eat that day.Always use the stairs instead of the lift. Bear in mind that every single step helps.Get off the bus a stop before the usual one and walk the rest of the way. Use commercial breaks between TV-programmes to stand up and do exercise, or consider using an exercise bicycle in your living room while watching your favourite programme. Reduce caloriesFor many people it may be beneficial to reduce their calorie intake by eating less and eating more healthily. It is not necessary to crash diet. This usually ends up with the person concerned either getting weaker or giving up completely in desperation. This in turn can lead to a yo-yoing effect of the weight loss - weight gain cycle. Cut down on fatty foods and eat more bread, fruit and vegetables.Eating 300 to 500 calories less per day, may lead to losing between one and two pounds per week. This is a realistic weight loss. It may seem slow, but would add up to a weight loss of more than three stone in a year. Having a glass of water instead of juice, eating less lunch than usual and having smaller portions of the food you enjoy are all ways to reduce calorific intake without having to necessarily alter your diet significantly. Avoid a second helping at dinner and snacks between meals, which may have become a habit. Cut down on beer and alcohol. All these things will influence your health in a positive way.Write down your weight every week From the day you decide to lose weight, weigh yourself once or twice a week before breakfast. Keep a record of this weight and see the pattern that develops.Be patient and persevereIt might take a week or two before the results will show, but they will steadily appear. After the first month you will be able to both see the results and measure them. Rewarding oneself with something nice for reaching certain targets can be beneficial. For example, going to the movies or getting a new CD to celebrate the progress - whatever suits you as an individual for all your hard work. You must not forget to share your joy with your friends and relations. Explain to them how you are losing weight because other people s support is valuable. Let s face it: if a person is really serious about fighting their weight problem, then they can no longer enjoy lots of food, cakes and sweets. This does not mean that they have to completely cut out everything unhealthy - that would be torture. But they can learn how to enjoy these foods in small quantities. Every single time a person exercises more than usual, they burn calories and fat. Avoid being impatient and remind yourself that the results will slowly manifest themselves. Remember that there are no shortcuts to losing weight in a healthy and reasonable way. Health risks associated with being overweightStudies show that women who lose only 10 to 20lb halve their risk of developing diabetes. For men, the risk of heart problems is reduced considerably. It may seem like these are problems to worry about in the future, but time flies by and tomorrow becomes today. We age gradually over time and sooner or later, our bodies will react to how we live our lives. By losing weight it becomes easier to grow old gracefully, without having to be troubled so much by illnesses. Usually people gain weight as the years go by. A few pounds over the years are not a problem. But people who gain more than 20lb compared to their weight as an 18-year-old, will rapidly increase the risk of health problems due to that extra weight.

exercise and go on a diet

hi :) am not sure whats available in the markets...but, this is what i did to lose weight... PLEASE DONT TAKE PILLS... pills are nothing but anorectic agents... they make you feel less hungry... there is no way to loose weight fast... though , sauna , steam and massages help slightly... it has to be combined with diet and excercise... pills are very bad in the long run... can lead to impotency and infertility...Also... short term diets are no good because , they terribly pull down your body metabolism rate since you dont eat much during that period ... Because of this , once you break your diet , you ll start putting on more weight, the reduced body metabolism will take longer and slower to burn the food you take in...They also dont work because once you break your diet and start eating normally, you will get back to your normal weight as you might not be cautious as to how many cals you take in per day...i lost 10 kgs in about 5 months time... i am getting married in august and i desperately needed to loose weight... i was 65 kilos when i started... according to my BMI , i was 10kgs + overweight... i stand 5 2.odd and 65 kilos is grossly overweight...just dieting wont help like i found out in my case... diet + exercise will do the trick...i ll tell you what i did... it worked for me... hope it works for you too :)the trick is not to starve but to eat smart :) and stay healthy :)what you should cut down :oil , butter , cheese , margarine , mayonisse , sauces (depends , will get back to that a bit later), chips , crisps, nuts , chocolates , sugar , cola, fizz , areated drinks ,ice creams , chocolate , alcohol , cakes and everything else thats hi - cal... you ll need to avoid everything thats sweet , oily and sticky... if you are not sure about what foods to avoid... check the net...loads of info available...vegetables / meat to avoid :potatoes - very very important , beetroot (its a root and has concenterated sugar in it) , all kinds of roots basically except carrot... avoid lamb, mutton , pork , beef, and prawns... all these put on weight... eat only lean meats... thats fish and chicken.. avoid eating egg yolk... eat just the egg white...fruits to avoid :mangoes , bananas , jackfruitnow that we had a look at what foodstuff is to be might be wondering if there is anythig at all that you can eat... thats how i felt... there is loads of stuff you can eat actually :)here they come :)fast foods are a big no no... you can order salads and special lo cal foods that are avaailable in most outlets...its best to eat at home for the period you are dieting and trying to lose weight...after those few months... once you ve shed your can get back to your usual lifestyle... of course with some diet...breakfast:skimmed milk (use skimmmed milk , is low in fat , other typer of milk are higher in fat content) , fruit... i am from India... am not sure where you are from and hence you might not understand certain food types we consume here... but let me tell you something... Indian food is very very oily and very difficult to diet...and try cereal in the mornings... oats, weetabix... etc... have a good breakfast...alwaays use brown bread... whole wheat brown bread is very good for weight reduction...for lunch , we are staple rice eaters... rice is bad for fat reduction... but i still took rice because its a habit tht cant be changed... everyone takes rice here... so... rice - one cup - 100gms and lots of veggies cooked in less oil.. and absolutely no coconut and curry with less oil... all in all keep your oil intake to 2 tea spoons everyday... that would be just for seasoning... also using olive oil helps a lot...then for dinner... compulsarily have wheat... pasta is a good option...but make sure you buy wheat pasta... check before buying... and of course in pasta absolutely no sauces... some varities of sauces are acceptable... as far as they dont have cheese , butter , oil ,mayonisse and fattening substances in general... you can use tomato spicy sauces etc... make sure your sugar intake doesnt cross 2 - 3 spoons per day... (not tablespoons) and no butter and ghee of course... eat a lot of fruits and vegetables... and all kinds of cereal... if you are hungry... eat a fruit... or you can eat stuff like puffed wheat and puffed rice... but no puffed corn... corn products again put on sandwiches as much as possible... i dont know which part of the world you are from and hence cant suggest much for you in terms of recepies...and combined with dieting... you need to excercise for atleast an hour everyday... you ll see the difference...defenitely... if you think gym is boring... take up dance classes... or run along the beach... if you have one... or skate... or just about any physical activity... brisk walking will also help...the key is to stay healthy while you diet and lose weight...drink loads of water...atleast 6 glasses per day... and do a lot of physical activity.... take the stairwy instead of the lift.... and small things like that...if you have any more queries...mail me... cheers :) and good luck :) its not ll get used to it in a few days... and of course the results are fab:) who doesnt want a great looking can get back to your normal lifestyle once you slim down... after that... its just eating what you like and burning it out the next day with just a little bit of excercise :) also check your weight everyday... its a great way to motivate and monitor your progres :)Source(s):personal exp :)

Have a healthy life style eat well and no more TV. Get out there and do not forget to take First aid course.

just exercise dude! there s no miracle in losing weight the shortcut way! diet pills are all bullcrap!

dont eat so much you fat ***

anorexia works and when you feel the need to eat something, binge then puke it up.

Do regular work outs and be on a good diet without any compromises.

regular exercise and avoid eating fatty foods

Quit touching anything that tastes sweet...No sugar basically...Cardio training...Nutrition... eat Fruits and drink low fat milk...Weight train...go to the gyms..L.A. Fitness or something..

It s summer, get out side. There are several exercise programs and diets to chose from, the problem is plunging in head first and getting sick of it. Start by going for walks in the evening or when you have time. Slowly change you eating habits by taking out bad stuff and replacing it with good stuff for you. Don t do it all at once, it s easy to stick to a program if you change slowly.Also check out

Below site has info on this. A yahoo search of weight loss strategies gives over 4 million sites with below site in #1 position.

1. Deciplied eating habits2. Continuous activity as much as posible3. Dont sleep long hours4. Take Souna bath may help you to control over grow and slowly over a period of time will be reduced.Please note there is nothing like quick loose weight.All the best.