Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to lose weight and to reduce diary foods mainly to lower cholesterol? -

What are the top foods that lower cholesterol triglycerides?If a person has high triglyceride and cholesterol levels in blood, it can result to the following circumstances:1. Heart disease and other major problems 2. Bad eating habits 3. Unbalanced diet 4. Lack of physical exerciseFood plays an important role in our lives. What are the top food types that we should eat so that we can reduce cholesterol naturally? The following are the answers:1. Fresh fruits and healthy vegetables. These natural foods can lessen cholesterol for they have fibers that help in breaking it down inside the body. Try to avoid animal products for they are poor in fiber content. 2. Healthy beverages. It is very important to drink plenty of water to improve not only hydration but also digestion. You can also drink fresh fruit juices. 3. Meat and fish. Fish is better compared to pork, chicken, or beef. You can still eat those but you must be careful in choosing the best lean parts. 4. Grains and breads. Choose the high-in-fiber type of breads and grains. Examples of which are whole wheat breads and oats. 5. Fats and oils. The best to use is soft margarine. To get rid of unhealthy fats from dishes, refrigerate them first and then remove the oil that settle on the surface, before serving. It is in this way wherein you remove unhealthy substances that might affect the body. 6. Snacks and desserts. Avoid too much sugar for snacks and desserts. You can still eat them; however, be keen on serving sizes and ingredients.Aside from the foods that lower cholesterol triglycerides, we have here other ways to minimize unhealthy fats:1. Try to lessen alcohol intake. 2. Stick to a proper diet by having balanced and nutritious meals. 3. Involve yourself in physical exercises.