Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to lose weight? -

im looking for tips i am working on a six pack but need to lose weight for it any ideas how to lose the extra pounds

You should always concentrate on keeping a calorific deficit so that your body is forced to use up bodyfat to use for energy. So say if u needed 2500 calories a day to sustain your weight you should look at lowering this to around 1700 a day to weight. There are three main types of Weight Loss diets Low Fat Diet- The idea is with the help of a calorfic deficit and low fat in your diet it will speed up your fat weight loss Low Carb Diet- The goal of the low carb diet is to make your body use up fat very quickly as your body favoured energy source is carbohydrates which it uses most of the time. A Balanced Diet- My favourite just aims to create a calorific deficit which will help you lose weight and let you eat a good range of foods. To get a six pack you will need to reduce bodyfat levels to below 10%. Good luck

The South Beach diet was the best quick diet I ever went on. I love 10 pounds in 3 weeks and I felt really healthy with the foods the diet allows you to eat

Well, all I can tell you is how I ve lost it... and I ve lost nearly 70 pounds total. I garden! No lie... I just got busy doing something other than eating, and when I DO eat, I make certain I get the most bang for my buck. By that I mean that I look for the most protein and fiber for my calorie intake. If something is above 150 calories, and less than 5 grams of protein or 4 grams of fiber, I don t eat it. Staying busy and smarter eating... that did it for me! Hope it goes well for you. :)

Try the no food diet it works !

drink some tea herbals it ll help fasten your metabolism.

if your a person that loves to munch on things eat ice cubes. .. it helps alot

hill sprinting brings up your metabolism faster than anything. low rep exercise requires glycogen to energize the muscles. high rep exercise uses mostly oxygen for fuel!

first of all the best way to lose weight is to cut off on the sugary stuff like candy,icecream,etc.. and excercise more often like say a morning jog,lifting weights,etc.. and maybe u should go on an atkins diet or a southbeach diet because ive heard it works really well so if u want dat six pack go 4 my advice cuz it will change ur life

maybe u should get more information on dieting, weight loss articles, health and fitness articles, weight loss forum and BMI calculator at my profile.

look at my answer for this question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;�� then you get the best answer. There name is Fitness Fun. They are dedicate to improving your fitness. They also have a promise to their members that they would loses 2-5 lbs in the first week. If not they you can quite no question ask. It is rare to see that kind of promise these days. If you do not want to loss weight then it doesn t apply to you.Another, part is a weight maintain program. This a 1 month program that helps you keep your weight loss off. They give you the tools you need to do this. After the 1 month is over you will be able to keep the weight off all by yourself.This company has more tools that help the member even more. If you need help just email me.

45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week, in intervals...keep that heart rate up!

We offer the following tips to help you lose weight to look better, feel better, and live a healthier life. Check out http://use-weightloss.blogspot.com/ for all info regarding weight loss.