Thursday, August 27, 2009

I want to lose weight, but i dont want to use weight loss pills.? -

Does anyone have any ideas of how to lose weight, mainly belly fat. I work out at least 2 a week and I m going to drink only water. Does anyone have any tips for me? Thanks

Eat healthy, well rounded meals. Don t under eat. High intensity cardio 30-60 minutes 3-5 days a week.It s really that simple.

Hi Adrienne,It sounds like you re off to a really great start with the exercising, but most recommendations call for at least 45 minutes of moderate intensity exercise 3-5 times a week. And be sure you re getting some weight training it as well - muscles build more calories at rest, so it s a great way to bump up your weight loss.As for foods, you probably already know to include lots of whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. Cutting out all refined, processed sugars (ie - white bread, candy, crackers, etc) is drastic, but if you can do it, you ll definitely see results. I ve also seen some interesting studies that correlate dairy intake with reduced belly fat, so try to get 2-3 servings of low fat dairy every day.You might also want to look into natural supplements, like acai berry and colon cleanse products. Natural foods stores like GNC can help you pick out a supplement combination that will boost your energy and help suppress your appetite.Hope this helps!Sara

Crunches and situps don t do jack to get rid of fat, they just define the muscle underneath. To get rid of the fat, you need to step up the cardio. Start running further.

try doing crunches more often than twice a week