Thursday, September 10, 2009

How do I lose weight fast? -

Hi my daughter is 10 years old and weighs 110 pounds. I don t want her on a diet but she wants to. I don t know why. She asked how to lose weight fast without using any pills or medicane or anything like that. Just like how many calories to eat in a day and any good diets.please help me. Thank you!

i think that you should take her to a nutritionist and have them create a food plan for her because she is so young and make sure she is active everyday you can go for walks together and she can play sports with friends.

Many experts say you should not lose many pounds quickly, in fact, this could be very dangerous. The best way to lose weight is slowly and safely, following a balanced diet and a healthy meal plan. You may think that eating fewer times a day will help you lose weight, which is why many people make only one meal a day in hopes of losing all those extra pounds. However, the result is the opposite because when a person eats only once a day, the body thinks that you want to ��kill it�� giving it very little food, so that your body triggers a defense mechanism accumulating fat in order to stay alive longer. So eating fewer times per day is not the solution. In fact, what you need to do is schedule small meals several times a day; a good number is around 5. This will keep you happy all the time and your body is constantly receiving nutrients. If you follow these tips may be able to see good results soon.

Dump the white foods. Eat whole grain, light breads; sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes; whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta. Skip the beef and eat fish or poultry instead. Eat more veggies, fruits and salads. Have a protein snack a half-hour before a meal so that when you re ready to sit down to eat you will already be feeling a bit on the full side. Drink cold water throughout the day. It will rev up your metabolism and make you feel full. And, finally, don t skip meals - especially breakfast and eat all your meals on a salad plate. Watch the pounds drop off!!!works great for me.

The best advice I can give you is to eat healthy. Diets do not work because you end up gaining back the weight. If you choose to change your lifestyle it will be permanent. Eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables and whole grains and you will get down to the weight that is just right for you.