Sunday, May 24, 2015

Whats the best way of losing weight fast in 2 months need to lose 4 stones? -

There is only one way of losing weight that works- A healthy diet of 1200-2000 calories depending on how much you weigh, and an active lifestyle including plenty of aerobic exercise 3-5 times a week. You cannot lose 4 stones in 2 months without ending up in the hospital, and regardless, you ll gain it all back in a week. Take your weight and add a 0 at the end and that s how many calories you should shoot for in a day. Do something like jogging or tae-bo or a stairmaster for 30-45 minutes a day 5 times a week. Drink plenty of water, stay active to help your metabolism, and don t waste your calories on candy bars and junk food- eat fruits and vegetables and whole grains and lean meat. You will lose FAT that way, not just water weight or worse your own muscle, and it will stay off if you keep it up.