Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Help people need to lose weight fast. tell me what you think of this? -

i want to try the liquid diet, all day i am going to drink:green teawaterjuicecuppa soupwhat i wanted to know is it ok to drink diet coke and diet kick energy drink?has anyone tried anything like this before, if so how did you find it? how long did you do it for and how much did you lose.i am 5 8 and 165lbs how much do you think i could lose?

If you want to lose weight fast, and keep it off while doing it the right way, you should really reconsider your diet plan. These kinds of diets can lower your metabolism, which is extremely hard to restore. I would recommend eating small meals consisting of raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day and some lean proteins for energy and muscle building. Working out is the only way to burn fat too and the best thing is, if you keep it up, you keep the fat off... forever! And to answer your question about the diet carbonated drinks: It s ok to have these things once in a while but it s definitely not a good idea to make a habit of it. They make you retain water because of the sodium and the carbonation robs your body of important nutrients.Best of luck on your weight loss. Hope this helps.

Your basicly skipping meals , by skipping meals you will gain weight because you are slowing down your metabolism , and your body starts to eat your organs to survive which creates extra fat for more organ munching time . Have - a piece of whole grain toast with sugar free raspberry jam with green tea ( 2 cups ) breakfast ( the whole grains keep you fuller longer and digest soluble fats through the intestines ) Lunch - 50 baby carrots ( only around 90 calories ) + 1 fresh diced apple with a dollop of low fat yogourt ( 150 cals ) Raw veggies slim your waistline , apples keep the doctors away , keep you slim , and have antioxidants to break down fat such as pectin Dinner - 2boiled eggs , 1/2 grapefruit , and a bag 100 cal popcorn . ( 400 cals ) Eggs have protein which promotes weightloss , grapefruit has been reccomended for weightloss due to antioxidants and fat burning vitamins , and 100 cal popcorn is light yet filling , and fun . 700 cal day . Maintain this and you ll lose weight . I recommend 3 bottles of water in between . Your going below the 1200 calorie rate for weightloss which is shakey , but if you only do this for a week . You ll lose weight , and if you keep your meals life-balanced , it will be alright

limit the juice it has too many sugars! and cuppa soup is too high in sodium. try veggie broth (low sodium) and look into the hollywood diet. you can buy it at longs, walmart etc.... it is a liquid diet for 48 hours. I did it and lost 10 pounds in 2 days. You can probably do something like it for 24-48 hours once a week