Sunday, June 21, 2015

How can i lose weight fast? -

im not fat or anything i just gained a couple of pounds and now i want to lose them what should i do

ugh. losers. not u, the spammers. they get so annoying! anyway, to answer your question, just eat healthier, cut down on proportion sizes. i saw on an AOL homepage that what you should do is set you untensiles on your plate in the middle of the meal to see if you really full or not. also, eat with smaller plates, because it ll make you eat less, but it ll appear that your eating the same amt as a large plate. then, a good thing to do it always run! and always drink tons of water per day because it cleans out your system. your supposed to drink 8 glasses a day. it really really helps! plus it leaves you less hungry and more energized!