Friday, July 10, 2015

How to lose weight FAST? -

I drink ALOT of soda and eat only once a day maybe twice. Besides drinking more H20 what can I do to say lose 20lbs in a months time? Any safe OTC meds and links to a diet schedule would be a big help.

This would be a Quick Help ... Try out the food based on your Blood group today . Mainly the Oil you use to cook is first to consider based on your Blood group .Selecting the Right Diet is a big question . I do not know if you are doing the same .No one is too young or old to start with good diet plan .Find out what is good diet or Bad diet for your Blood group. No Need to do pushpus or take any pills .NO TWO PEOPLE HAVE THE SAME FINGERPRINTS, LIP PRINTS,OR VOICE PRINTS. NO TWO BLADES OF GRASS OR NOWFLAKES ARE ALIKE. BECAUSE I FELT THAT ALL PEOPLE WERE DIFFERENT FROM ONE ANOTHER, I DID NOT THINK IT WAS LOGICAL THAT THEY SHOULD EAT THE SAME FOODS. IT BECAME CLEAR TO ME THAT SINCE EACH PERSON WASHOUSED IN A SPECIAL BODY WITH DIFFERENT STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES AND NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS, THE ONLY WAY TO MAINTAIN HEALTH OR CURE ILLNESS WAS TO ACCOMMODATE TO THAT PARTICULAR PATIENT S SPECIFIC NEEDS.Your blood type is the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries of health, disease, longevity, physical vitality and emotional strength. Your blood type determines your susceptibility to illness, which foods you should eat and how you should exercise. It is a factor in your energy levels, the efficiency with which you burn calories, youremotional response to stress and perhaps even your personality.Find what diet helps loose weights and what diet is + ----- HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINEO ----- NEUTRAL FOOD X ----- AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISON��