Friday, September 11, 2015

How can my over weight daughter lose weight fast? -

She needs to she is 12 and weights 137 pounds.. HELP!!!

she can drink 5 glass of hot water with fresh lemon juice everyday and give her apple before lunch or water and fresh lemon juice burn fats so quick

YOU are the problem. She s 12! She will eat what you give her and obviously, you give her too much food and junk food.You don t say how tall she is. Her height determines how much she should weigh...not her age.YOU control what she eats, so give her the RIGHT foods. No more sodas, no more junk/fast food. Go out and walk with her every day (she shouldn t walk alone at her age).

Be careful how you go about this or you could end up with a more self-conscious child who develops anorexia. I honestly would suggest spending the money to send her to a dietitian who specializes in children s weight issues. They will know what to say and how to say it will prevent power struggles between parent and child. Good Luck!

Your daughter has two important methods to control weight...both of which can be manipulated by you, the parent.(1) Proper nutrition; your daughter may have a different body type than you or your spouse. As such, what she eats may affect her dramatically different than how it affects you. Lead by example and ensure the entire household eats properly. Learn about fats, protein, and carbohydrates - the different types of each - and how they take part in metabolism and nutrition. Apply what you learn to your family s lifestyle. As the parent, you must LEAD by EXAMPLE! (2) Exercise. She s only twelve so all she needs to do is just BE ACTIVE. Promote some kind of outdoor activity, sport, or anything that s going to get her blood pumping. You may have to lead by example in this case too. If she remains sedentary, she will have a hard time controlling unwanted weight.

Fast weight loss is not recommended for anyone and especially kids who are still growing and developing. Girls entering puberty often go through a stage where they appear chubby and then grow into their bodies as they develop. Get her involved in a medically supervised weight control program for kids with the goal of developing good eating and exercise habits. She may need to lose a little weight but mostly the goal should be to control her weight and let her body grow into itself.Please don t badger her about weight - girls that age are very sensitive about body image and it may set her up issues later on in life. The best thing to do is to set a good example and encourage healthy habits.

A 12 yr old shouldn t go on a crash diet- or any diet . She should eat healthy, sensible meals and snacks and exercise. Is this her concern- or yours? Either way you are setting her up for a lifetime of eating disorders and food issues.

I lost 105 pounds in 6 months. Here is how I did it.1. Every morning get up and walk for 45 minutes. You can start with less time, but you want to get up to 45 minutes, and it must be fast walk. You want your heart rate to go up. It must be in the morning, it kick starts your metabolism.2. I cut out Red Meat, and fatty foods. Boneless skinnless chicken breast, baked, or grilled, rice and vegetables (steamed).3. Eat half. Just eat half of what you normally eat. Put 1/2 on your plate, and put the rest away. Cook less. When you go to fast food, get salads only. Or grilled chicken. No fries, only diet soda. Or water.It will work, once you get into a routine, you will get hooked on the results, and you will keep the routine. It has been over a year for me. Also start counting your calories. Write them down. You would be amazed as to how much more aware you are of your caloric intake, if you actually write it down. We recently discovered a site that offers a great program that counts calories, as well as keeps track of everything. It allows multiple users, so everyone in the family can keep track. They offer a free 7 day trial, and so far I am very impressed with the product. Try the 7 days and see. It allows you to add the exercise that you do during the day, which increases the amount of calories you can take in. Very Cool!!http://www.calorieking.comA sight with some really cool diet calculators and interesting calorie counting calculators is here. Check it out. out my before and after pic at my yahoo 360 page motivated, and get up and walk every day. I seriously lost all my weight starting off my day on my walk. Good LUCK!

if she s overweight (like someone else said, it depends on height, not just age), then you need to deal with this situation in a proper way, not just do whatever works fast . you need to take her to a doctor, and have her checked, do bloodwork, etc., and then change the way she eats, and make sure she exercises. I m sorry, water and lemon juice sounds like an old wife s tale. And diet pills at the age of 12 are NOT the way to do this- you will only get her started on a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting, which in the end will be more harmful physically and emotionally. Face the facts, and act responsibly- there is no magic solution here, that has been proven over and over again. it s all about proper nutrition (no junk food for dinner!) and exercise- at the age of 12 she should be able to change her pattern and you can put her on the right path; in fact, it s your responsibility. Good luck.

Losing weight fast isn t necessarily the answer. The lifestyle needs to change. Make fruits and vegetables that she likes readily accessible. I would suggest not putting her on miracle medications I was in her situation when I was younger, and had my parents supported me and helped me make better choices I wouldn t be where I am now. Our children learn by watching us. Also, exercise is a must. Even if it s a walk for 15 minutes a day to start.

get her away from the TV, video games, and get her out side playing.Then the whole family immediately get on a sensible diet eating the right foods, and eliminating the sweets and fast food. Its not going to work for her if the rest of the family is eating poorly

You ve got a fat one there. You should be more concern with her long term fatness. Exercise and eating right are the keys to successful weight control. There are no shortcuts.

If she loses weight fast at this age you ll mess up her puberty. You can t go that route if you re a responsible mother. You need to go to a nutritionist WITH her and the two of you learn proper meal planning, portion control and nutritional content of your food choices. You helped make her what she is today and you re the only one who can teach her to take control of her eating in a responsible way. Eating disorders come from extreme goals. Losing weight fast is an extreme goal. My 20 year old daughter was about 125 pounds when she was 12. She lost 35 pounds in under 6 months. She hasn t had a period since she started that crash diet and the doctors say she ll probably never have normal periods. Don t wish that on your daughter. My daughter ended up bulimic and has done horrible damage to her teeth. Don t wish that on her either. After her mom died I was the one left to pick up the pieces. Fixing an eating disorder is NOT easy and I would hope you wouldn t even let your daughter go down that road. She didn t gain the weight quickly so don t try taking it off of her quickly.

You did not tell us enough about your daughter for me to be able to give you specific advice ... I d need your daughter s height and whether she is in puberty or has yet to have any symptoms of puberty before I could even tell you whether your daughter is truly overweight or not ... I can tell you, though that you should NEVER think that your daughter should lose weight fast ... because that is not healthy for adults, and it s even more risky with adolescents. When I was 13, I went on a lose weight fast diet, and ended up by getting hypoglycemia ... low blood sugar ... which was pure misery when I was younger, and is even more misery now, because I am that much more at risk for becoming diabetic now that I m racing toward senior citizenship ... To tell whether your daughter really needs to lose weight, you must look at the insurance charts for height, weight, and age of your daughter (female). Then, if you do put her on a losing weight diet you should be sure you KNOW how much physical activity she gets in a week (every week!) and calculate everything she does (burning calories) and make sure that she gets enough good exercise (walking, running, playing any athletic sport, etc.) and that the foods she eats are also good for her ... that she gets enough of the right vitamins and minerals and fiber and make sure that she eats about 500 less calories a day than she burns. She should be able to lose two pounds per week on this diet ... but you should NEVER have her weigh herself more than once a month ... and that weigh-in should be done in the early morning and when she is totally undressed and before she s eaten or had anything (even a sip of water) to drink ... and also after she s done her morning duties ... and that should always be at the same time every month ... not when she s menstruating, if she has periods, but halfway between them ... What I m telling you is that if you want to you may become a drill instructor for your daughter ... but I think that it would be better if you could go on the same diet as she does, so that the two of you can become buddies and help each other to lose weight and gain good muscle ... because it s always easier for a daughter to lose weight if her mom is doing the same thing at the same time.

Take your overweight daughter to a nutritionist, and go over a diet plan for her. (This would be the best way to go, since she is still a child still growing up)You can always start by eating organic/all natural/whole grain foods instead of highly processed foods. Maybe she can join a sports teams as well. Just make sure you see a doctor to go over a diet plan with her, because other diet pklans are usually for adults, and since she s still a kid, her body is still developing, so she needs a healthy balanced diet.

Exercise everyday like jogging around the blockSkip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per dayDont eat until you re fullEat fruits at night if your hungry.Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.there s a video on success fitness too.