Sunday, February 14, 2016

How to lose weight fast in my THIGHS -

okay, im 13 but i need to lose some weight in my thighs, and in 3 weeks! im not to good with diets but please help

have you tried this workout video? ?��

. Stop eating high caloried foods! Don t eat crap all day..its okay to eat icecream or cake or something once in a while, but dont eat a lot of it.2. Burn about 300 calories off by running (If you don t have a treadmill, run for about 20 minutes.)3. Swim! It will melt off the fat!4. Search youube for workout videos.(I highly recomend the youtube channel, Sparkpeople This will drastically change your life in 3 weeks, maybe less. It sounds easy but yeah.

you still have to eat dieting darling run!do lots of pilates too