Friday, June 10, 2016

I weight 180 pounds and need to lose Weight fast how do i do it ill even try that anorexic crap to? -

Eat less but don t limit yourself to just one type of food. Try balancing out fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, and protein (meats).You should also incorporate some cardiovascular exercise into your schedule. Any kind of cardiovascular exercise will help to burn off fat.I wouldn t go the anorexic route because that could increase chances of you binge eating and that will just cause you to gain all that weight back. This is because your body will think you are starving (which you are) and because of that, store more body fat.Your metabolism (which burns off calories which create fat) will also slow down if you starve yourself and that s not good for burning off those calories now is it?Exercising and eating small portions of food throughout the day will help to speed up your metabolism which in turn, will burn off those calories.The main thing is that you eat less but not limit yourself to one type of nutrient, eat small portions of meals throughout the day to trick your body s metabolism into speeding up, and exercising which contributes to speeding up your metabolism.Good luck! :)

Anorexia is not a weight loss plan, its a mental disorder. If you starve yourself, youll end up putting on more weight when you start eating again than you were in the first place. To lose weight fast and healthfully, eat 1200-1400 calories a day of healthy foods with a lot of protein and fiber. Of course, fruits and vegetables should be the main foods in your diet. Drink lots of filtered water and no soda, alcohol, or sugary drinks. If you are in a time crunch, limit your carbs and sugar. That means no dessert and absolutely no white starch. Mostly you will be eating lean meats, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and brown rice. Its incredibly hard to stick with a diet like that for more than a week. It takes a LOT of discipline but that is exactly how you can do it. You also should eat your meals in 5 to 6 small meals a day, having about 250 calories every meal. And remember the water! Good Luck and be healthy!

Exercise, Drinks lots of water and EAT good foods. I mead green unprocessed foods, no sugar and bread. Detox and try colonics, clean your body out. Anorexia is nothing to play around with, you lose muscle rather than fat and it hurts your heart. Don t be stupid, please!

i know someone that lost 60 pounds in the past 8 months. all they had to do was cut down on what they were eating, have a light lunch 2-3 times per week, all the other days have cereal for breakfast, yogurt, fruit, veggies, or cottage cheese for lunch, and a fish, salad, or soup for dinner. exercise every day, but only once per day.

ill even try that anorexic crap to? Alright buddy. Try that anorexic crap I dare you. Go ahead and starve yourself and see where that gets you.Into a hell hole that you cannot get out of.Lose weight the healthy way. Healthy diet. Exercise.I am warning you. NEVER starve yourself. EVER.That s coming from an anorexic herself.

if you have a wii get wii fit and work on there you can tell it how much weight you wanna lose and it will let you do stuff on the wii fit to lose alot of pounds TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT WORKED ON ME

Just excercise regularly.. there isnt a way to lose weight super fast like within a week. And don t over-eat when you aren t hungry.Dont even try the anorexic crap because thats a horrible way to go!

don t do the anorexia crap, been there, done that, not fun, effecive, but not fun

This is idiotic