Friday, August 12, 2016

I am a beginner in strength training but I want to tone up and lose weight fast.Can you help? -

How heavy should the dumbbells be and how often should I increase the weight of the dumbbells for better results? thanks

Start with light dumbbells, 2lbs for now -ten times.Losing weight quickly is hazardous to your health and it s much harder to keep that weight off as well. Not to mention that if you lose weight too quickly it can also be difficult for your skin to adapt and you might end up with a lot of loose skin. Never starve yourself. The more you deprive your body of food, the more it will overcompensate and try to retain water and fat to keep you healthy. Losing weight to fast makes also your weight bounce back up to what it was before you lost weight. Always satisfy your hunger..

Toning up and losing weight are goals that go hand in hand, and they both deal with losing weight. Toning you body does not necessarily mean gaining muscle - a person can look toned just by lowering their body fat percentage and not adding an ounce of muscle. I recommend you focus on your diet first. I am a big fan of the low carb, high protein diet as I have used it myself to great results. Cut out saturate fats (butter, fried foods, white creamy sauces and dressings, fatty meats, etc.), decrease the size of your portions (subconciously, we will take whatever is on our plate to be a serving, and tend to eat more when we have a bigger serving size), decrease your inventory of pastas/starches/carbohydrates/sugars (often we as Americans overdose on carbs, we build meals around it, and we eat more than our daily recommended allowance in just one meal), and increase your inventory of lowfat high protein products in your fridge (skim milk, non-fat yogurt and cheeses, chicken breast, fish, seafood, lean red meat, etc.). Once you have changed your diet you will immediately start to see results. Now you can focus on exercise. I would start with a light program of cardiovascular first, and then light weight lifting. I say light, because people think they are just going to run into the gym and burn everything off - when in reality they will just burn themselves out. Take it light, enjoy what you are doing, and then when you start seeing the results you will advance naturally.

I d love to help. The first thing you need to realize is toning up doesn t just involve weight lifting, but fat loss as well. You ve seen I m sure many big guys who look strong as an ox, but their arms, chest and back look just like massive piles of meat with no muscular definition. Those guys have lifted probably forever and have a lot of muscle mass but you couldn t tell because they have too large of a body fat % which covers it all up.The best websites I can recommend are:www.elitefts.comwww.t-nation.comBoth have great resources for what you want to do. Now if you want to lose fat there s things you have to understand. Dieticians say 50 to 80% of all fat loss is actually DIET based not exercise so you need to examine your eating habits. Also, saying I want to lose some weight is a horrible goal. How much?? What do you want your waist size to be? Get specific.As far as lifting goes, use this website to find a list of every dumbell exercise��Find the piece of equipment you re using. Dumbell, barbell, cable, etc. and go from there.The American College of Sports Medicine says that performing sets of high reps, 10 or higher, with little rest in between is what leads primarily to muscle hypertrophy (increase in muscle size). Performing more sets of low reps with high rest is what leads to strength increases. Feel free to message me with more questions

Well dont use too heavy of weights, high rep workouts that have slow and precise movement work your muscles better, still use a good bit of resistance though, my advice would be to read Reps! magazines they are the best workout books i have found, they tell you what to do and how to eat and plus some of the products they adverise are really useful