Saturday, December 17, 2016

How to speed up your metabolism during weight loss? -

on LA weight loss program since Oct. 31 and lost 20 pounds, but since December I cannot loss any more weight, no matter what I do.

Drink green teaGet 8 hours sleepTry interval training

do not do LA weight loss!! they did a special on 20/20 and it is ALL A SCAM!!

exercise within an hour of waking up! drink alot of water!

eat spicy food specially cayenne and of course drink lots of water

You need to switch up your exercise routine, increase resistance or up your reps. This is normal when trying to lose weight, you ll almost always reach a plateau and stop losing for a bit. Don t give up though, keep pushing and you ll start losing again. Keep in mind alot of people lose weight quickly at the start of exercise programs and it gradually slows down but don t fret it ll still come off just keep working at it.GOOD LUCK!

Drink alot of water, at least 3 large glasses a day. =)