Friday, December 16, 2016

People on a weight loss program are advised not to have bananas. why? -

what all do u mean by sprouts?

Bananas are high in Potassium, a necessary nutrient to the heart. I wouldn t listen to fad dieters. They have a lot of sugar in them, maybe this is what they are talking about.

Bananas are loaded with sugar and you are not advised to eat alot of them and a small one at that. They are rich in potassium though, so one a couple of times a week probably would be alright. Spouts are in the veg section in the store, and they are used as additive to a sandwich or salad and other dishes. They are usually sold in a pkg or you can buy them fresh in some stores.

I think what they mean is that unlike some fruits and vegetables, they are very calorie dense and high in sugar, so eat them in moderation because they are very good for you, unlike the so-called diet foods the same people want you to buy, which are are highly processed and will only make you feel deprived. If it s a whole food, it s better for you than any processed food, particularly one who s label screams low-fat , or low-carb . Just be sensible and eat whole food, mostly plant foods, eat meat as a side dish (if you eat meat), and enjoy your food. You can eat ANYTHING you want and maintain a healthy weight, just as long as it s real food and you eat it in MODERATION.

many fruits contain essential vitamins and chemicals that aid the body.for example, bananas contain Potassium, which is a very good chemical for your eating fruits like apples, bananas, and all those will help aid you in weight loss as well as keep your body healthy

Eat them anyways, they are a little high cal for a fruit and have a lot of sugar but they are good for you?