Tuesday, December 20, 2016

What weight loss program can make you lose weight quickly? -

i am like 37 lbs overweight and i definitely need to lose that in 37 days.how can i do that?any site will be good.

to lose weight fast.make sure - you eat good.eat healthy, and by healthy i mean take vitamin rich food etc, avoid fried junk fooddrink 8-10 glass of water a day.change lifestyle a little bit, instead of taking in escalaters, try to take stairs, instead of driving short distances, try to walk for distances less than a km.it will make a lot of difference.37lbs is a non realistic target, you will lose.

JillianMichaels.com - Awesome site, killer workouts - amazing results.It is a paid site, though. It s $52 for 3 months. If you are looking for free help - check out this site. http://www.factbasedweightloss.com/index��It takes you through every aspect of weight loss, and teaches you how to lose weight the healthy way, but also quickly.

please do kapalbhati pranayam as suggested by baba Ramdev in Aastha channel for 10 minutes daily

You wouldnt be able to lose 37 pounds that fast. you are only suppose to lose 2-3 pounds a week maximum.