Friday, January 27, 2017

How do I lose weight fast? -

I ve got kind of an average sized body and I really want to lose weight, but I m looking for workout tips and diet tips!!! I reallly would like to know HOW TO TONE MY THIGHS. I hate my thighs, is there any way to shrink them without bulking up in the muscle department?

Women s bodies do not bulk up like men s do. Testosterone is the hormone necessary for that to happen. Women do not make enough testosterone to do that (we make some of this hormone to regulate body hair, that s about it). As for methods to tone up - do squats. Stand with your hands on your hips, and your feet shouldner-width apart. Squat down enough so that you re in a sitting position, and then stand back up straight. Do this 10 times, rest for one minute, and then 10 more, rest for a minute, and then 10 more. This will tone your inner and outer thighs, as well are your behind. It also is good for your lungs.Avoiding salty foods is good for weight control because salts make your body retain lots of water, which can add several pounds to your weight. Eliminating them can allow your kidneys to filter all of the extra fluid out of your body, and you will drop a few pounds rather quickly.Also, avoid high calorie and high fat foods.

I lost 5 pounds in one week by just eating about 5 small and healthy portions of food rather than eating 3 big meals and about a million snacks in between. Also, there are these big hoola hoops that help your waist get smaller and that really helped. I have big thighs too and I know that it helps to ride a bike every day for about half an hour. Also, drink water instead of soda and eat things that fill you up like eggs or bread. When I eat something without any carbs I just can t stop eating. I don t get full, so eat some bread with what you are eating (not a lot) and it will help you not get hungry every ten seconds. Also, stay in a room far away from the kitchen at home because when you are close to the kitchen you tend to go there for snacks a lot. Also, when you eat don t eat any fruit for about more than half an hour after because it build up fat. Don t starve yourself because then your body gives you the extra fat it stored and you gain more pounds. Don t stuff yourself either. Don t eat after 7 or 8 PM and if you exercise before going to bed it will really help too. Whenever you have extra time do jumping jacks or sit ups or do cardio exercises because they help. I hope that helps you because it helped me a lot.

walk at least 3 miles a day and it will slim you all over and keep you toned. squats are good but not too much because it will make them bigger after a while. for the diet part, just drink a lot of water and stay away from sweets, junk and fried foods. this will improve your body very fast. good luck and happy holidays!!!

You can start by going for the South Beach Diet to lose some weight. Another website for tips could be Virtual Fitness Trainer---it has an article on how to sculpt your butt and thighs! Also, eat healthy foods only, work out a lot, jog every morning...good luck!

Ok. Ready? Go to sleep. And have a dream that a fairy comes and makes you thin! What kind of question is this?! Diet and exercise. Blah blah blah. There is no possible way to lose weight FAST.

Watch Oprah for 1 hour straight...if you havent puked your guts out by that time, then follow it up with survivor.ha ha ha

Cut out junk food!

do squats