Thursday, January 26, 2017

I am 18 years old, 59 amp; weigh around 350 pounds, plz help me find a way to lose weight fast...? -

Firstly, it mostly comes down to willpower and consistency. Most rational people know to lose weight they need to exercise and eat less. We all know donuts and pizza do not help us lose weight, the key is not to eat them. Easier said than done of course :-)With all due respect, at 350lbs you are in for a long haul - eliminate the thought of quick from your mind. Just know that the first step is the hardest, and it only gets easier. By time you drop a few lbs, it will really be exciting and will motivate you!It is really not rocket science. The basis is exercise daily, drink a lot of water, avoid all obvious junk foods making healthy selections.Start walking daily, increasing it as you can. Eliminate all junk food as best you can and make good choices [salads, baked skinless chicken, vegetables etc]. Avoid sugary drinks, and increase your water intake.90% of losing weight is willpower. That is the true key. Once you accept it *will* take work and are prepared to do it - you have won part of the battle.I genuinelly wish you well, and as I am sure you know, at 350lbs that is far more than a cosmetic issue - it is unhealthy.Get started tomorrow, every bit counts. Wake up, drink some water, go for a light walk. You ll feel great from starting!BTW: Ignore the obvious spam crap from the answer above me. All time spent chasing crap, is more time to gain weight. Work is the only way to lose weight. Basic common sense says if pills worked there would be no fat people.

The best way to loose weight is to do naturally. The body will accept it better. Take half the intake, eat half what u normally eat. 3 light meals a day. No sugar stuff. Soft drinks are no good. Plain water is the best. No sweet drinks and no snack. Do not eat between meals. Have regular time meals. Do not eat before bed. No supper. Breakfast is a must. Take a light lunch. A lighter dinner. Less red meat, if possible take fish. The best way to eat fish is to steam it. More vegetables and take 2 kinds of fruits per day. If u decide to stop meat a better replacement would to take beancurd. You can caculate your body mass index (BMI) with a formula. BMI = weight (in kilograms) divide by (Height (m) x Height (m))remember I kilograms = 2.2046 pounds1 meters (m) = 0.305 feetchart forRisk of Heart Disease and Diabetes27.5 and above High Risk 23.0 �C 27.4Moderate Risk 18.5 �C 22.9 Low Risk (healthy range) Less than 18.5 Risk of nutritional deficiency diseases and osteoporosis

Go for a walk everyday, STOP EATING FATTY FOODS, Do some sit ups, push ups, Lunges, Squats each day increase the amount of time you do them daily by five(for eg if you do 2 lots of 10 for each exercise today tomorrow you might do 2 lots of 15 and gradually work your way up)or get a personal trainer

try these http://www.downsizemythighs.comthey dont have any chemicals.they work for me

You might consider lypo cuz you are a building