Saturday, March 25, 2017

How much should you eat to lose weight fast? -

eat normally, just dont eat ANY junk food, sgary doods, or baked goods. dont any any whites (carbs) like bread, tortillas, etc. It friend lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks bc of this. exercise ur abs and sruff and u ll have a killer bod.

Try this, you ll see and feel results in 2-3 days. The muscle will outweigh the fat so don t let the scale discourage you :)For exercise, try switching it up (Monday work on arms, Tuesday work on stomach, Wednesday work on legs, Thursday Rest, Friday Arms, Saturday Stomach, Sunday Legs) though you can choose your own schedule/plan. Try maybe using different machines for stomach or legs or arms so your body doesn t get used to it. Also, try increasing the amount of exercise you do every week.For eating, try portion control (70% of your diet is food intake but exercise is also important) eating the serving size and if there is no designated serving size, 1cup if it s a meal and 1/2 a cup if it s a snack.Breakfast- Whenever you chooseDrink of choice- hour after breakfast (all other drinks being water; one cup of drink of choice)Lunch- 1hr after Drink of choiceSnack- 1/2 cup, 1 hour after lunchDinner- 2 hours after snackIt doesn t matter WHAT you eat unless you re on a specific diet such as Atkins, it s mostly just How MUCH we take in and how OFTEN we take it in. I have problems with over-eating and I ll eat an ice cream, oh I want another and it s not b/c I m hungry it s b/c I have a craving for it and it feels like I can t wait. Also, eating out of boredom, try drinking water often to prevent hunger. I also have this problem and especially when I m exercising. (Try buying a treadmill or a few exercising supplies or maybe you can get a gym subscription) and bring with you in an insulated glass/mug full of ice b/c I always and alot of other people always want a little something to feel like their eating or munching on and this is perfect b/c it s hydrating and you get the little munch out of it.Also, how I said about buying some equipment or gym subscription, I d recommend you buy your own that way you pay a little extra and the rest is free not 1/2 the price every month or whatever. Try buying about the things (one for legs, one for stomach, one for legs and maybe as you get more into, you could add more). Also, if you lift weights try increasing the amount of weight each weeks or two. :)Hope this helps! Good luck!Also, calculate your intake so you know how much to work towards burning plus extra for the muscle :)I m twelve and this has always worked for me b/c I have a fat gene and I always maintained my weight and lost it if I got off track :)

That depends if you NEED to keep it off or just for an event.Usually calculate what your intake should be for your ideal height keep to that intake. Not Fast but very effective healthy.For FAST: Cut your intake down to 1,000 calories (or less if you can do without the nourishment) till you get to where you want.

It all depends... The answer is broken down in the following article at You will need to make some calculations as well, and they included the calculator for you to make it very simple. Hope this helps!!��P.S. Even though the beginning of the article states that the article is meant for people who want to pack on solid muscle, its the same thing as saying its meant for people who want to pack OFF pounds of fat. =)

No other way to lose weight except eat well + exercise regularly.

1000-1200 cal + exercise