Monday, July 10, 2017

How can i lose weight fast? -

i am 5 foot five and weigh about 120 lbs.. im 13 yrs old.weight is mainly on thighs and stomache :((

check this site out. its great. look at the links too!

If you are 13 then don t try any crash diets because you will put on weight twice as quick if you do one thing wrong. Ditch fizzy drinks. Sorry if you like them, but they will send flab straight to your stomach (and probably everywhere else, too)! You should probably even avoid juices altogether. Drinking water is better. I took up karate and although I was thin beforehand, by the time I had a bit of karate training, I was toned all over! If you don t want to actually commit to a sport you can try to commit to: -Sit-ups. I know everyone says them, but through karate, I did loads and they really do help. -Suck in your stomach muscles whenever you remember to. Even if you re just sitting there. It is better than doing nothing. -Improve your posture by standing up straight all the time, and sucking in your stomach. Over time, you will stand up better and your stoach will look smaller because you are standing so well. -Clench your stomach muscles tightly for about 10 seconds. If you do this, like, 50 times in an hour, this is good news and should help. -Exercise before breakfast, because it will use fat that is already stored. It is better than exercicsing after a meal, because the body will just the energy from that meal without reducing the fat that s already stored!-Avoid food like potato cakes, or any fried food. I work in hospitality at the moment and I have seen too many girls make the same mistake of eating a potato cake or hot chips for lunch. This does you absolutely NO favours. Trust me on this one. -On days when you don t even feel like exercising, go shopping. It doesn t feel like much, but constantly walking around a shopping centre burns fat, which means that it won t go to your stomach!-If you live with your parents or another guardian who cooks for you, ask them to reduce your portion when they put the food on your plate. There are other ab exercises, you just have to look in a fitness magazines or on the net. Speaking of fitness magazines, read them! Many people argue that they do nothing for your self-esteem, and they probably don t but they are EXCELLENT for giving you motivation. You will see stomachs that can break wood, so to speak, and you will feel a detemination to become even a little bit like them! Even cut out pictures of women with a stomach that you like from a magazine and although they are generally an unrealistic ideal, it s great to get motivated to lose the flab. Fitness magazines also have many ideas and tips to help you. If you want to tone your stomach in a month, start NOW!Good luck!

Try the Adkins diet. My mom lost 18lbs. in one month, and i watched it happen. And im curently on it and it workes very well.