Sunday, July 23, 2017

How do I lose weight fast.? -

3 meals a day no snacks

hey dude I drink 5 cups of green teas a day and the best product around proven to maintain lean muscle tissue , proper weight and no bloating is l- carnitine. also you must excersise eat well - lots of veggies and try to cut out all sugar- no breads that are white- whole wheat or pumpernickle is good also if you are serious about it see a dieticion or a holistic practitioner. dont use the fad stuff but hoodia is good for curbing appetite

come on....if i knew that i would be rich! you obviously eat too much, exercise too little or just lack a fast metabolism.

Check out the no diet weight loss at the below link. It helped me loose 30 pounds in 40 days.

- diet (balanced, low-fat meals) (Do not fast!)- exersize- drink a lot of water (body uses energy to raise outer temp. inside the body; burning calories)[also, the body puts out twice of what you drink {drink one glass, put out two}]- eat lemon (lemon has some lipid burning enzymes).

I have been working really hard to get a sexy body. I go to the gym every day, watch what I eat, but still could not get the body I wanted. That was until I found this body cleansing stuff. I was able to get the sexy body I wanted in 9 days. I did a 9 day cleanse and lost 10 pounds and 15 inches! This was GREAT! I had been working so hard for over a year to get this, and this program gave me what I wanted in 9 days. I found out that many body builders use this to get ready for competitions because the protein in the shakes builds muscle and the cleanse helps to get rid of the toxins stored in the fat cells. When the toxins are removed, the fat cells shrink and you definitely can tell in the way your clothes fit! I recommend this product for anyone wanting to get a better looking body quickly. I found out about it at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647. It is not a cheap program, but it is worth it! You can also get it at this website