Sunday, July 16, 2017

How to lose 10 pounds in a week or just lose weight fast? -

ya, i m 5 2 and i m 124 pounds. I ve been trying to lose weight. I ve been swimming, eating less, eating fruits and vegetables but i m not losing much weight. could u suggest methods to make me lose weight quickly. any good diets that help me lose weight fast. Thanks for helping!

go walking alot and walk places instead of riding in the car. eat small portions and drink water. avoid candy and snacky foods.

Please don t do the 10 pounds in a week thing -- losing weight fast like that only guarantees that you ll regain it, and it will be the type of fat that is even harder to get rid of. Just learn to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Try for an intake of around 2000 calories with a good exercise regimen and you will actually start to lose weight right away... just don t be in such a hurry and you wil be very successful at keeping it off.

1��Strength training. Resistance training raises your metabolism, builds muscle and burns fat. Add strength training to your cardio routine for the perfect for the balance of exercise. Resistance training is the most effective and quickest way to achieve a slimmer body. You ll be able to see and feel the results from strength training almost immediately. Within six weeks you should start to see a difference on the scale.

Wow! That is really creepy... Because I m 5feet 2inches and I am right now 124 pounds. That s crazily creepy. I ve lost 7 pounds but it took like 3 whole weeks to do it!! Yeah I know. I am trying to weigh at least 115 pounds before school starts. ;D I just eat breakfast and then for lunch have a small snack and then dinner have one serving of food of each. Then I keep myself active.