Tuesday, July 18, 2017

I need to find out how to lose weight fast and in a hurry, how can i, i am 59 and 250 pds? -

I gained it all from the depo provera, almost 100 pds from 160 to the gross 250, please help!!!!

This is a GUARANTEED proven method of loosing 10 to 15lbs in only 2 weeks. GUARANTEED!!I have found that the fastest proven method for loosing 15 pounds without using any supplements is by doing the following:1. Eat 5 to 6 small meals per day ( every 2 to 3 hours)2. Eliminate all sugar, sodium and flour from your diet3. Eat at least one portion of protein and complex carbs per meal.4. Perform moderate exercise for at least 60 minutes every day (walking at a brisk pace), plus 20 minutes of resistance exercises at least every other day.5. Drink at least one gallon of water per dayHow can I guarantee this you ask?By virtue of elimating sodium alone you will loose at least 6 to 7 pounds. With the elimination of simple carbs and sugar you will loose an additional 5 pounds. Then, the addition of cardio and resistance exercises will bring you to at least 10lbs GUARANTEED!!!

First change your birth control, then restrict your caloric intake and start exercising. The weight will take longer to get off than it did to put it on. Keep your weight loss to an average of 1-2 pounds a week to stay healthy and keep your diet balanced, just eat less. Good luck!

U looks so kute in this profie..dont worry plz check the daily routine of your diet reduce fat contents to minimum move much away from cream, chocolate eggs...take normal diet no extra material have a walk of 1-2 miles on evening morning. u will feel difference very soon

Dr. Atkins helps you lose pounds as quick as 14 days. So imagine how much you lose in a month.

The weight won t move if you don t. Exercise and eat right, no more snacks before bed, keep off the ice cream. You have to burn more calories than you take in, the only way to lose weight and keep it off.

I know you want it off NOW, but work on losing 1-2 pounds a week through modifying your diet and exercising. I have lost 35 pounds in 6 months, I have another 35 to go and I have plateaued for 2 months now. It is difficult to keep plugging away without drastic immediate results, but it s the only way to maintain the loss and allow your body to catch up with your new metabolism and routine. Slow and steady wins the race! Good luck!

First of all depo does not cause you to gain 100 pds. It causes a weight gain of 2-3 pds a year. You gained the other 97 from eating too much. And your not going to lose it until you admit that and start eating healthier and exercising regularly. Try www.sparkpeople.com

I can relate to the weight gain, but have no easy answer. Depo made me put on 12 lbs in 2 months AFTER having a baby! Talk abou yukkk! I feel so disgusting right now. I m just trying to do it the good ole fashioned way ...diet and exercise. I m easing into it. Eat a lot of salmon or grilled chicken and broccoli! Walking/jogging are good as well as using hand weights to build muscle to raise metabolism. Cut out all processed carbs and get plenty of good protein. Also good are walnuts, almonds, natural p-nut butter w/apples. Try to eat 5-6 small meals. Eat every 3-4 hrs (small portions) to keep metabolism up. And drink tons of water. I lost 50 lbs in the past doing these things. I really had to get my head straight before I could do it, though. I m not quite there right now. That s why I m easing into it. Fast Food and soft drinks are my main things I ve got to cut out. Oh.....and add plenty of fiber. It s not too good, but good old fashioned oatmeal (I mix it w/half a packet of flavored oatmeal) is good to start the day with. Throw in some walnuts, too for added protein. I hope this helps. I m miserable myself w/my weight.


First off I would go off the Depo and let your body get back to it s normal routine. I was on the shot and I gained about 60 pounds, as soon as I came off the shot the weight started coming off very easily. I started walking and eventually worked up to a run, cut out all of the sodas and replaced them with water, and I bought an exercise DVD. It will come off you just have to have confidence and patience...before you know it you will be that thin 160 pound hottie again. I wish you luck...Keleigh

Healthy food and exercise!Its the ONLY way to loose weight. If you can t be bothered doing that then you will be over weight your entire life