Sunday, August 13, 2017

What is the best way to lose weight fast? -

just wanted some ideas on how to lose about 10 kgs fast! been taking fat blaster and using ab king + walking but wanted some other ideas...

if you want to lose weight fast do counting your calories intake and exercise four to five times a week. Do alot of walking up to 10000 steps on the day that u do not exercise (buy a step pedometer). Eat a lot of veg and fruits, not processed foods, no junk food but once a week treat yourself a muffin or a piece of cake, so you wouldnt feel like you crave for these things that much and your diet will last longer! hope this helps!

hi I wanted to lose some weight before I went on holiday and I m on the 8th day of a 14day diet witch is little tough but I m seeing results. It s the Max Plaque diet it claims that you can lose 10kg in 2weeks I ve lost about 4kg in 8 days but i have also started to drink coffee with sugar witch it says you shouldn t do.

Hi,The fastest way to lose weight is liposuction, but it is far from the best method in my optinion and should only ever be used as a last resort. Losing weight too fast is bad for your health. Improving your diet and exercising more is the best way to long-term weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.Kind Regards,RupaPS: If you found this post useful, please give me a thumbs-up. Thanks =)

Maybe this will help.

You should check this out this method that I did. It works fast for me and I lost 14 pounds in one month. You can get more info at link below.