Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Has anyone been successful with the slim in 6 weight loss program? -

No but try Hip Hop Abs. Works great.I lost 25lbs in 3 weeks but stopped when I found out I was pregnant again. Due in 2 months. I did the work out 5 days a week. I think as long as you stick to it you will do great.With this program though you lose weight all over so dont expect to see just change in one certain area.Youll be sore after the first few days but as long as you push yourself and get through it, its worth it.Good Luck!

I have been trying to lose weight for years. Last year I finally decided that it was time for me to lose the weight that has plagued me for years. I won t lie, it took some work but I managed to lose over 40 lbs. One supplement I used that really helped me is the Acai Berry. Hopefully, this gives you some motivation.

Haven t heard of anyone having success on it. Try this: Make a lifestyle change. Eat less, move more. Eat four to six meals a day with breakfast being the largest and dinner the smallest. Eat the majority of your calories earlier in the day. Avoid sodas and junk foods.

tried it, doesn t work